Chapter 3

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Jane got out of bed bright and early the next morning. She was gathering all her flyers and banners that she was taking with her to the union hall when she heard a bicycle bell ringing. She smiled to herself and ran towards the window. Down below she saw Jack standing beside his bike, waving up to her when he saw her appear in the window. She quickly gathered the rest of her things and went down to meet him.

Jack had begun his rounds extra early just so he could get to Jane as quick as possible. When he arrived at her flat, he wasn't quite sure if he should go to her door or not, so he rang his bicycle bell a couple of times. He thought Jane would like the gesture and when he saw her appear in the window with a smile on her face he knew he had been right. He waved at her with a big smile. How wonderful it is that this woman has the power to immediately bring a smile to his face whenever he sees her. 

When Jane walked out of the door she ran to Jack and gave him a hug. Jack was rather surprised by the sudden action, but happily returned it. When they pulled away from each other they both blushed.

"I'm sorry, I was just very excited to see you." Jane said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I didn't mind. You could do that more often if you like?" Jack grinned and Jane giggled.

They started walking towards the Union Hall. It wasn't that far away from Jane's flat, but long enough for the two to share a moment.

They walked side by side in silence for a while. It wasn't an awkward silence, but more of a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company.

"So what are your plans today, Jack?" Jane asked finally, breaking the silence.

Jack shrugged a bit. He hadn't really thought of what he would do after dropping of Jane at the Union Hall.

"Well I don't have too much planned, except for my evening rounds of course." He said.

Jane nodded, in her head she was already planning the entire day for them.

"What about you, miss Banks?" Jack asked with a grin. 

"Well after work I don't have anything yet, except for dinner with my brother and his children in the evening." She said.

"Well maybe we could-" Jack started to say but he got cut off by a child's voice screaming: 

"Aunt Jane!! Jack!!" 

They both turned around and saw Georgie Banks, followed by Annabel, John and their father walking towards them. 

"Georgie! Hello everyone, how lovely to see you all." Jane said, giving her brother, niece and nephews a hug. 

"Good to see you Jane." Micheal said and then turned to Jack. -

"Jack." He said shaking his hand in a 'brotherly' way with a grin on his face. 

"What are the four of you doing here so early, on the other side of town?" Jane asked.

"Well father wanted to do some painting, but he didn't have any inspiration so we decided to take him for a walk." Annabel stated. 

"What a good idea! I always like to go out into the fresh air for some inspiration myself." Jack smiled at the children. 

"What do you need inspiration for Jack?" Georgie asked him with a confused look on his face. 

Jack smiled.

"Well it's always good to have inspiration for everything you do, but I mostly think that to have a happy day you must have at least a bit of inspiration." Jack said. This confused Georgie even more but the question he was about to ask was cut off by John.

"That's a good motto, but is it always possible to live up to that?" John asked. He always was the one with the critical questions.

"No, not always of course, but as long as you always try to live up to it, you're walking the right path." Jack said.

Jane smiled to herself. Jack always had such beautiful motto's that she admired him for. Though his living situation and job are hard he always has a way to find the light in everything. 

"Where are you headed, aunt Jane?" Annabel asked. 

"We're on our way to the Union Hall, we're handing out breakfast again." Jane said.

"Ooh can we help you?" Georgie asked.

"If your father's alright with it?" Jane looked at Micheal.

"Oh okay then! We can all help you if we're not a bother." Micheal laughed.

"Of course not! I would love your help, and so would all of the people coming to get their breakfast." Jane beamed, excited to show her niece and nephews what she does.

"You could tell all the children about your adventures with Mary Poppins!" Jack said.

The children got super excited and started walking along with their father while heavily discussing what stories they were going to tell. 

Jane wanted to walk after them but she was gently stopped by Jack.

"I think it's best if I take my leave." Jack said, still with a smile on his face but a little sadder than before.

"No! Jack, you can come and help too! Honestly, the more the merrier!" Jane said grabbing Jack's hands, smiling at him.

She didn't want him to leave. Not yet...

"I would love to help you, I do. It's just that a big part of my fellow leeries are going to be there, getting their breakfast and if they were to see me helping hand out the breakfast I'm not sure what they would think. Of course they would be confused, but some of them might get angry and I really try to avoid that kind of negativity." Jack said, gently squeezing Jane's hands. He had always been a very honest person, but Jane made him feel like he could tell her absolutely anything. 

Jane smiled at him, understanding his point of view. 

"Okay then, but you must promise me that you will come and have dinner with us this evening." Jane said, still not letting go of his hands.

Jack smiled. He knew she'd understand him.

"If you're brother doesn't mind, I will gladly come." Jack said.

"Oh don't be silly, if he weren't halfway to the Union Hall by now he would have asked you himself and you know it!" Jane said and they laughed. 

"Alright then, I'll be there." Jack said. 

Still holding on to her hands, he leaned in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, just like she had done to him the evening before.

He saw her cheeks flushing red and he giggled.

They finally let each other's hands go and Jane waved him goodbye as he cycled off. 

Jane quickly walked on to catch up with her family, and couldn't wipe the smile of her face. 


Sooo that was chapter 3! Thank you all so much for the positive feedback I've been getting on this story, it really means a lot! I hope you liked this chapter. Please let me know if you want me to keep building up their relationship slowly with cute lil moments like this and make the story longer, or if I should make some big moves and continue with their relationship as an actual couple already? xx


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