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It was early in the morning. Jane and Jack were peacefully sleeping next to each other as the door slowly opened. Tiny footsteps were headed towards the bed. After a bit of heavy climbing the little girl flopped onto the bed in between her parents, waking Jack up. 

"Good morning!" The girl beamed.

"Katherine, honey!" Jack tried to keep his daughter from waking his pregnant wife up but it was too late.

"What's all the commotion about?" Jane rolled over to face her family.

"It's someone's birthday today, isn't it Jane?" Jack asked with a smirk on his face.

"Really? Who's birthday is it?" Jane giggled.

Katherine couldn't believe what she was hearing. 

"It's MY birthday!!" She yelled and jumped up and down.

Jane and Jack laughed.

"Is it really? I'd totally forgotten." Jack said with a grin.

"You did not forget!" Katherine shot back and jumped into her father's arms.

Jack hugged his daughter tightly.

"Of course I didn't forget. Happy birthday my little light." He said softly.

Jane looked at them with a smile. They were already blessed with two little ones and soon another one would be joining them. She truly couldn't be happier. 

"Come here you little rascal!" Jane said and pulled her eldest into a big hug. 

"Now Katie, why don't you go get your favourite dress and I'll help you put it on in a minute. Alright?" Jane said.

"Yes mother." Katherine said and quickly ran back to her room. 

Jane and Jack watched her as she ran out of the room and smiled.

"My goodness. 4 years old already? Where has time gone?" Jane gasped with a giggle.

"I know... They grow up way too fast. But we still have some years with them to go." Jack said and gave his wife a kiss on her cheek.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked her.

"A bit nauseous, but not that bad." Jane smiled.

"Alright, well if you need anything just ask and I'll get it for you." Jack said and squeezed her hand.

"Thanks honey." Jane said.

Then they suddenly heard a cry coming from the nursery.

"And that will be our little Albert." Jack sighed with a chuckle. 

He stood up from the bed and gave Jane a kiss. 

"I'll go get him." Jack said with a smile.

"And I'll go put that dress on Katie." Jane giggled.


"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Katie, happy birthday to you."  The family sung.

It took her a few tries (and a little help from cousin Georgie) to blow out all four of the little candles but finally she did it and everyone cheered. 

Eating the cake became such a mess that eventually Ellen ended up scolding everyone who even touched the cake so Micheal and John offered to help clean up before any of the children would start crying. 

Georgie and Jack had fun playing with the little ones while Jane had a nice talk with Annabel about school (and cute boys). Jane loved teasing her niece (and nephew) about the subject of secret crushes. 

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