Chapter 8

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Jane walked through the door of her flat. Her arms and bag were full with flyers and banners of their latest rally. Her beret had sagged down the side of her face and hair was in front of her eyes. She tried to blow them away, without luck. She sighed and threw all the banners and flyers on the table. She then flopped onto the sofa and relaxed. It was certainly a successful day, but very tiring and she was now exhausted. She couldn't wait to just crawl into bed next to Jack and fall asleep. 

Thinking about Jack, she realized he wasn't there. She looked around to see if he had left a note somewhere, but couldn't find anything. She got worried when an hour had passed and he still wasn't home. She ran to her phone and called Micheal.


"Good afternoon, Jane. How are you?"

"Bad. Have you seen Jack? He's always home when I get home and today he isn't and it's been an hour now and I'm very worried." Jane rambled. 

Micheal laughed. Of course, he knew what Jack was doing.

"Jane calm down. He's with the children. I asked him if he could watch them while I go to work. I'm sorry, I should have told you." Micheal lied. In reality Jack was out in the city, trying to find the perfect engagement ring for Jane. 

"Oh, thank goodness. I was worried sick." Jane said, sighing in relief. 

"He'll be home soon. I'm so sorry Jane, how stupid of me not to tell you." Micheal said.

"No it's alright Micheal, don't worry about it." Jane said. 

"Well I have to get back to work. I'll talk to you later?" Micheal asked.

"Yes. Good luck!" Jane said.

"Thank you. Good bye." Micheal said and hung up the phone. He turned to find his children all ready with their coats and hats on.

"Alright children, shall we go decorate the rooftop then?" He said and took little Georgie by the hand. 

They all cheered in excitement as they left the house. 


Jack had found the perfect ring and made his way back to the flat. The sun was setting, so he had to get Jane to go on a walk with him pretty soon. He smiled to himself, thinking about it. He hid the ring in his inside pocket and opened the door. He was greeted by Jane flying into his arms.

"Well hello there." Jack chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her.

Jane squeezed him tightly.

"You had me worried sick! If Micheal hadn't told me you were with the children I would have surely called the police and reported you missing." Jane scolded and put her hands on his cheeks.

Jack processed this for a moment. How stupid! He'd forgotten to leave a note for Jane and now Micheal had lied to his sister just to save Jack's plan from failing. He made a mental note to himself to clear all this up after tonight. 

"I'm sorry Jane. I should have left a note, but I forgot. Will you forgive me?" Jack asked and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. 

Jane put her hands on his chest and looked at him with a smirk.

"I don't know. You'd have to make it up to me." Jane said with a giggle. 

"Well then, how about I take you on a nice walk in the moonlight in a minute?" He said and leaned his forehead against hers. 

"That sounds perfect, but first..." She grinned and kissed him passionately on the lips. 

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