Chapter 6

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Jane was just sipping a cup of tea when her phone rang. She was startled by the sound of the phone ringing and spilled tea all over her green blouse. 

"Oh God!" She jumped up, dripping with tea, but ran to the phone as quick as she could. 

"Hello?" She said, in a rather annoyed tone.

"Jane? This is Micheal." Micheal said on the other end of the phone.

"Micheal, oh, hi there." Jane said, awkwardly trying to grab a cloth to wipe the tea off her blouse while holding the phone with her shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Micheal asked, noticing his sister's tone.

"Yes. Yes, I just spilled tea all over my blouse but it's fine." Jane giggled a bit.

"Oh goodness, you're so clumsy Jane." Micheal laughed.

"I know, I know. What can I do for you Micheal?" Jane asked trying to change the subject.

"Oh, yes of course. Could you meet me in the park in a half an hour? I really need to talk to you about something." Micheal said, trying his best to sound very serious. 

"Why? What's wrong, Micheal?" Jane said, worriedly.

"It's just... very important and I wouldn't want to tell you over the phone."  Micheal said, grinning.

"Alright then... You're not dying, aren't you?" Jane asked jokingly but with a hint of seriousness.

"No! No, no, no. Of course not. Don't worry Jane, alright? Just be at the park in 30 minutes. Oh and please, change your blouse, will you?" Micheal said.

"I will. See you in minute then." Jane said.

"See you later." Micheal said as he hung up the phone.

Jane was very confused. What could it be he wants to talk about? Is it about the children? Or maybe he has financial problems again? 

"Well, I'll find out in 30 minutes so I better get going." she thought to herself.

She quickly put on a different blouse, a pink one, and put on her pink beret to match it. Then she quickly marched out of the door and towards the park. 

While walking there, she imagined all kinds of horrible scenarios of what Micheal might want to tell her. She was so lost in thought that when she arrived at the park, she didn't notice the fact that Micheal wasn't there at all. 

"Micheal, where are you?" Jane asked, looking around, suddenly realizing  he's not where they were supposed to meet. 

"He's not here, I'm afraid." She heard a familiar voice say, and she turned around to face Jack. -

"But I am." He said, and reached out for her hand. She took it after the shock of seeing Jack instead of Micheal went away. She smiled at him.

He led her towards a red blanket that was spread upon the grass. Next to it stood a basket which was obviously filled with some things to eat. 

"Oh Jack..." Jane said, taking it all in. 

"It's not much, and the food isn't the best but I did the very best I could to make this special." Jack said, sounding proud of his achievement.

"Jack, this is so so special! Thank you!" She said as they both sat down on the blanket.

"No problem. We haven't really done anything except for our morning walks lately, and I wanted to surprise you." Jack said, blushing a bit.

Jane blushed as well.

"Can I just say you're the sweetest guy on the planet, Jack." Jane said.

Jack chuckled. 

"Anything for you." He said and placed a kiss on her hand. 

"So... I'm guessing Micheal didn't really want to tell me something?" Jane giggled.

"Nope. Was a little plan we set up together. To get you here without suspecting anything." Jack said as he opened the basket and pulled out two sandwiches of his own making. 

"Well, you two are very clever. Wait, why were you with Micheal?" Jane asked as he handed her a sandwich.

"Oh, yes. I was there to ask him something. Something special." Jack grinned.

"Something special, huh? Can I be in on this secret?" Jane gave him her biggest smile.

"If you give me that smile more often, I'll tell you every little thing you want to know." Jack said and booped her nose.

Jane giggled at this. 

"Noted." She said.

"Jane, I have a question for you, though." Jack said, getting a little bit nervous.

"Of course, ask away!" Jane said. 

"Would you... maybe... just, if you want to of course... like to be... my girlfriend?" Jack asked, his face flushing red. He looked down at his lap. Maybe this was a stupid idea?

Jane pulled up his chin and just stared into his eyes for a moment. What on earth had she done to deserve this guy? 

Then, she just pulled him closer and kissed him passionately on the lips. Jack put his arms around her as she melted into him. This was nothing like their kisses before. It was sweet yet full of love and passion. It was a kiss that said: "I love you more than anyone in the world." 

When they broke apart, they stayed with their faces close together.

"So... I'm assuming that's a yes?" Jack asked with a grin. 

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Jane said, laughing and wrapped her arms around him as they hugged each other tightly. 

They spent the rest of the afternoon eating their food, laughing, talking, cuddling and kissing in the park. They could easily say that they both had never been happier than right there in each other's arms. 

They were laying on the blanket, looking up towards the clear blue sky. Jane was laying with her head on Jack's chest and Jack was slowly stroking the side of her face, tucking away a strand of loose hair.

Everything seemed absolutely perfect in that moment. 

"I love you Jane Banks." Jack said softly.

She smiled.

"I love you too, Jack." 



Chapter 6! Not many J/J fics are updating anymore, or at least not very frequently (Honestly, me neither so I don't blame anyone hehehe it's hard keeping up a story while going to school and everything! ) and I was in the mood for some Jane/Jack fluff so here is a chapter FuLL oF FLufF.

Feel free to leave a comment if you liked the story or have any tips or ideas!


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