Mile high‼️

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  We were getting on the plane to go back home but this time we had to land at a public airport because something is wrong with the private one. "I dont care where we have to land as long as my plane gets back to my spot" Izzy said to the pilot. "Yes sir" The pilot said walking in to the cockpit. Izzy came to sit down and I mugged him. He looked at me with a confused face and said "What ma?" "You didn't have to talk to him like that.That was really mean." "Im sorry" "Dont tell me sorry tell him sorry. He's doing us a favor by taking us home." "You really gon make me say sorry to this man. He grown he can handle it." " Go say sorry or you not touching me for two weeks" He immediately looked like he seen a ghost and got up to walk to the cockpit. Two minutes later he walked out and sat back down. "You lucky I love you because that nigga just would have to suck it up." "By the looks of it you love what I have in my pants." "Women stop playing wimme. You carried my child I have no choice but to love ya ass now." "Wow so you only me cuz I can carry ya kids and give you pussy." I said messing with him. "Watch ya mouth I been letting you slide lately but cut it out that's only two things I love you for but the list goes on." He said kissing my nose and pulling me into him. "Aye babe is this plane like the movies and have a bed in the back?" I said asking excitedly. "Uhhh yeah" "Come on we bout to join the mile high club" I said unbuckling my seat belt and grabbing his hand leading him to the back. "Ma you didn't get enough?" "You right I just go sit back down" I said walking around him but he grabbing me. "You got me fucked up" He said while picking me and walking to the room and closing the curtain.

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