A Week In Vegas

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"It's finally here!" Rebecca ran through the kitchen yelling about the events that were going to take place in a short time away.  Soren chuckled at the young girl's behavior. Rebecca continued to run through the house while Soren and I talked in the kitchen over coffee.

"So are you excited?" I asked him, looking over at my blonde friend. He nodded, a smile touching his lips.

"Defiantly not as excited as Re." He

"Oh yeah. She hasn't stopped running all week!"

About that time we heard a crash, a scream, and an "Um, Soren, David, I accidently pushed Lou down the stairs."

Yep. We're back. I'm David. You know! The dude from E13! I'm not the only one. Fear her.

(Her: Rebecca Ross.)

(POV: Jessica)

Joe, Patrick, Brendon and myself stood outside the door of Rebecca Ross' home. I turned to Brendon.

"You're the one who wanted to meet her so bad. Ring the doorbell." I nodded my head toward the bell. Brendon took a deep breath and hit the little circular button that triggered the doorbell.

The next twenty seconds on the other side of the door was filled with screams, crashes, and a girl yelled, "Soren, get out of the way!" The door crashed open to reveal a girl with olive skin, brown eyes, and dark hair in a towel.

"JESS!" She exclaimed. "Come in!" Behind her stood a blonde haired dude with brown eyes and pale skin. Rebecca stepped aside to let my group and myself in. Rebecca kissed the blonde haired boy's cheek and ran up the stairs to her room.

"Hi! I'm Soren, Rebecca's fiancé. I'll show you where your rooms are. Get your bags and follow me." The boys and I grabbed our bags. "Jess, you're staying in Abby's room, she's away at collage. Then, Joe, you're on the couch in her room. Patrick and Brendon, guest room."  Soren pointed to the rooms. He had his hands on his hips, proud of himself for remembering where everyone was supposed to go. His moment of triumph was disrupted by a boy with tattoos running.

"Rebecca Ross! Ye shall never catch the Leprecon, Louis Vecchio!" Rebecca came ripping through behind him; this time she was dressed in black skinny jeans and a blue jersey with Soren's name on the back in silver. Rebecca stopped.

"I HATE YOU, VECCHIO!" She shouted after him. She stopped running and groaned. "Sor'n! He's being mean!" Rebecca pouted. Soren wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm sowey, baby."

"S'not your fault." She rested her head against his chest. Soren looked up at us.

"You guys get settled. We're just up at the end of the hall."

"Thanks!" Patrick said. Rebecca and Soren walked up the hall to their room. They were half way down the hall when Rebecca jumped on Soren's back. She squeled with joy as he ran down the hallway. I shook my head and walked into the room with the purple door. Joe followed me in. We set our bags down on the floor and walked down the stairs to where we saw the livingroom.

"So, that's the Rebecca Ross?" I nodded. "She's the one who'll bring back Pete?"

"No. That's Jess' job." A tall, lanky man walked behind us down the stairs. We stopped walking a looked up at him. "I'm David Boyd, ReRo's friend." Joe shook David's outstretched hand.

"Joe Trohman. Nice to meet you." David nodded. Louis then crashed into David, sending us all tumbling down the stairs. We landed at the bottom with a giant 'THUD!' Rebecca, Soren, Brendon and Patrick came running to the stairs. I glanced up at them all and an eruption of laughter filled the house. I stood up and brushed myself off.

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