Seeing Eye Dog (Waterparks)

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Started August 2016


~2 P.M.~

I wish I could go back and forget that day, but it's out of hand. It's too late. It's done. It's over with.

If only, I hadn't run out of orange juice that fateful day. If only, I hadn't been at that intersection at that time. If only, the blind girl with beautiful blonde hair and white eyes hadn't had grabbed hold of my arm.

Being a Natural Blue, I needed orange juice. And of course, I look into the fridge: I was out.

"Geoff! I'm out of orange juice!" I yelled to my dear dad of a friend, Geoff. I shut the fridge door and leaned against it sassily.

"So?" He called back to me from the living room, probably not even bothering to come to my aid in the kitchen or look up from his phone. That loser.

"Go get me more!" I demanded, putting my sassiest face on.

"No. You've got two legs. Go get it yourself. You like going to H-E-B. Not to mention that you could use the exercise." Geoff told me. I groaned.

"Fine!" I yelled, walking back into the living room. I grabbed my jacket from the back of the sofa before going to the door. "Keep in mind, Geoffrey Wigington, I could have you replaced like this!" I said, snapping my fingers as I walked out the door. I put my arms through my coat before continuing to walk down the path to the street. We lived in walking distance of H-E-B. We had to! It is my homeland!

I got to the intersection before the store of the gods right as the light for pedestrians. I groaned loudly and let myself collapse to the ground in despair. Suddenly, a shadow over came me.

"Awsten Knight. Rise, you fool. I require your service." The shadow spoke. It was a girl. I stood up and she grabbed hold of my sleeve. "I apologize, but you won't be going to H-E-B today. I'm sorry. We need to get to the library as soon as possible." The girl said, still gripping my sleeve.

"Awe, hell no. I'm not going to a library. Go by yourself. I'm sure you can do it. And how do you know my name? Look, if you're a fan, we can take a photo, but I'm not going to the library with you."

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