part 9:lannan's pov.

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Lannan's pov:
  I see chlorna from the balcony while she is doing her splits for twisters..
  I see her light brown hair, her mesmerising silver blue eye and her high pitched soprano voice.
  My heart felt warm and my hands felt sweaty. What is this feeling? What is it. I sat on my recording chair and stared at my screen. I had just gone to the doctor a few days back and he told me that my eyesight is getting worse. That means, I may go blind.. I sighed. The feeling warmed up my heart again and I felt at home. I had once said that click does not feel like home but more like an office in which I have to work at. But now, I felt that I am where I am supposed to be at. I looked up at the ceilings.. Chlorna.... What kind if person are you exactly.. Putting me under your enchanting looks and personality...
  I sat up with a start. Wait. What enchantment? What pretty... Oh no... Am I falling for her?
  As I sat on my chair and tried to make a video for my 8.9 subscribers, I kept dying from twitch streamers. I am NOT focus. I can't. Chlorna kept appearing in my mind.
  I sighed deeply as I walked down to the kitchen, desperate for some alcohol to take the feelings away. Instead, I see Elliot hugging chlorna putting his head in her hair.
  Anger burned inside of me... She mine. Although I do agree that Elliot has known her so much longer than me, I already know that my relationship with her will be even better than Elliot's. I know it already. What if Elliot breaks her heart and causes her to become depressed.. Then what about my feelings. Those intense anger, the intense jealously. Those intense feelings. I don't want her to change because of Elliot. He already had dated 3 girls and I on the other hand, this is my first time falling for a girl. Give me a chance Elliot. I love her eyes. Her hair. Her smiles that would brighten up a gloomy room.
  He looks up at me and smiles sheepishly while letting go of chlorna.
  I see her smile at me and decided not to punch Elliot there and then. I walked slowly nearer to chlorna and kissed the top of her hand gently. She giggled a little as I let her hand go and started chasing Elliot.
  Do not be the bad person you need to be in front of her.
  Do not rage.
  Calm down..
  Just... Think happy thoughts.... Think happy thoughts.
  Just when i couldn't hid it any longer, Kath called chlorna to dance with her in the living room.
  I smiled my brightest back at chlorna, before she walked out of the kitchen.
  And now.
  The real fight begans...
  I threw a punch at Elliot, knocking him off his feet.

Read on to find outttt

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