Chapter 1

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The whole idea belongs to SinfulInky, and I just edited this chapter, so I won't get problems with copyright.


" Dream, you should wake up, I need your help right now, or rather : Ink does. " In an attempt to wake Dream up, Nightmare shook him rather violently. But Dream didn't want to get up, so he rolled over to get rid of Nightmares hand. Although Dream is known as the God of Positivity, he felt fairly weak right now and didn't know why.

" Dream I don't know how to help people. So you need to comfort Ink instead. He's your friend, remember ? " , Nightmare tried to explain the situation. Finally awake, Dream got out of the blankets wrapped around him, revealing a rubber-duck themed pyjama. Slightly amused by that, Nightmare started to laugh, causing Dreams to blush and try to slap him.

" Stop laughing ! There is nothing funny about that ! " , Dreams yelled. Nightmare managed to lower his laugh to a small giggle, but a smile remained on his face.

Trying to hide his embarrassment, Dream shoved Nightmare out of the room, and changed into some real clothes. He didn't bother to get a new outfit, so he just changed into his usual white and blue jacket, his yellow cape and gloves, his blue trousers, his orange boots and his golden crown. After clipping his cape together with a star button, he leaves his room.

As Dream arrived downstairs, he was greated with an unusual sight. There stood Nightmare, petting a very stressed looking Ink on the back.

" Wow, look at you, brother ! And here you said you didn't like being nice to people. " Dream giggled. He was met with an annoyed face.

" Not the time, Dream. " , was his only response.

Realising the seriousness of the situation, Dream led all of them to the couch.

" What's wrong, Ink ? " , Dream asked.

" WHAT'S WRONG ?! EVERYTHING ! EVERYTHING IS WRONG ! NOTHING'S ALRIGHT ANYMORE ! I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO -- " , Ink screamed, although Dream cutted him off with a hug.

" Calm down, Ink. Whatever it is, we will find a way to help you. But you'll have to tell us what's wrong first. " , Dream reassured the crying artist.

Ink hugged back immediately, clearly needing comfort right now. Nightmare, feeling awkward since he wasn't good with that kind of stuff, tried to recall everything he learned about such situations. Ignoring the easiest solution of killing the person who had the problem in the first place, he asked : " Do you need anything ? Something to drink or a snack ? "

" C-Can you get me a glass of water, ...please ? " , Ink mumbled quietly.

Nodding, Nightmare went to the kitchen to search for some snacks and get Ink a glass of water.

" Are you ready to tell me what's wrong ? " , Dream asked, for a moment unsure if he really wanted to hear it. But Ink started anyways, giving a small nod :

" This morning Rur- I mean Error said that was tired of being good, that he was sick of pretending to be nice, just to ' please ' me. " , Ink stuttered, "A-And then he told me that he and the other ' darks ' were going to destroy world's and souls again, w-wheter they liked it or not. " , at this point Ink was a sobbing mess again, " H-He told me they were going to kill me and Jammy, Dream ! "

Dream stared at the kitchen, shivering at the thought of his brother being forced to fight him. Not mentioning the worse case, Nightmare actually killing him. His usually positive aura dimmed, making his soul feel a lot heavier. He did his best to stay positive though, since he didn't want to get Nightmares attention.

" I'm sure Error didn't mean it, ....right ? M-Maybe he just had a bad day ? " , Dream was trying not to cry at this point, " A-And if he really meant it, then you, Blue and me could always try,....right.....? "Dream knew it was hopeless though, but he tried his best to reassure his friend anyways. Error, Horror, Killer and Nightmare, especially Nightmare, the Star Sanses were far to weak to beat them, even if they asked Palette for help. They would just get themselves killed.


The chapter is just a rewritten version of the original, I didn't change that much, but I hope the author is still okay with it. Also, I really like commas for some weird reason.

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