Chapter 32

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I'm pretty sure that there's gore in here...

Nightmare's P.O.V.

" What do you mean, ' it's too late to save him ' ? Why would he be in any form of danger, anyways ? " , who does he think he is ?! My brother is perfectly fine, I would notice it if there was something wrong...right ?

" Foolish angel. I attempted to help, but made everything worse instead. Yes, I made it unpredictable, but there is noone in control anymore. Sooner or later, this Multiverse will collide, just because of me, a stupid child that wanted to show that it wasn't weak. "

" Calm down, I'm sure it isn't that bad. We can decide the way we're choosing, we can alter our fate. I won't die, you won't die, nobody will. Together, normal people can be stronger than gods, and we'll prove that, if necessarry. So heads up, there's nothing that should be able to worry you, since you can always fight, no matter how immpossible it seems. " , apparently, I really learned a whole lot from Dream. However, now I was certain that he was hiding something important from me. Why was he so concerned ?

" Heh. You don't get it, do you, fallen one ? I corrupted your brother, your last part of family is slowly going insane. "

Dream's P.O.V.

Looks like the traitor is struggeling to decide...well, he should decide fast, the kids were struggeling to defend themselves.

" Well ? Who do you choose, little puppet ? Who'll live, your husband or your child ? " , I continued mocking him. Ink was too fast by now, there was no carefully attacking him now.

" WhY ? WHy w0uLd yoU d0 soMetHinG liKe tHaT ? YoU'rE a siCk psYchOpaTh ! " , I only giggeld, letting go of my prisoner, so he could finally decide.

I watched as he teleported as soon as he could, appearing right between the battle lines.

" I wiN..." , were his last words, before the magic clashed above him, shattering his already broken soul. Guess he found a third possibility, huh ? Then I'll have to be the one to clean up the trash, right ?

Ink had already stopped attacking, staring at the pile of dust in utter disbelief. While he hadn't seen the one who stopped them, Fresh and PJ had.

" Glitchy ?! " , Fresh asked, his glasses were completly blank.

" Dad ?! " , PaperJam wimmered.

"...Tree ?" , wow Ink, You're making my job way easier right now. A normal body doesn't notice it when it's emotions are altered, not if they're staying either positive or negative. It only took another little push to make PJ snap, and he immidatly started yelling at his father :

" Are you insane or something ?! You killed Dad, you're own husband, YET YOU DON'T CARE AT ALL ?! I'M NOT THE SON OF A REGRETLESS MURDERER ! I AM NOT YOUR SON ! " , thanks to this yelling, Ink's anger boilt up once again, and he attacked his next target, his mind not working properly with all the stress, so it tried any ways possible to get it to stop, not minding the consequences. But this time, Jammy was prepared, and started to attack on his own.

As predicted, it didn't take them long to do something careless, and as the cloud of sudden dust cleared, Fresh was gone.

And they blamed it on each other, continuing to fight without noticing me. Eventually, the Creator won, emotionlessly shaking his hands in order to get his dead relatives off. Seconds before he could realise what he did, I decided to have a little fun myself, so I stabbed him from behind, cutting his neck pen in the progress, we didn't want him to scream, did we ?

" Greetings, Ink. You killed your whole family, so Karma is here to get you. I shall give you a painfull death for your crimes. " , and so I did, cutting his limbs off one by one. Now it wasn't exactly easy to kill a soulless being, but you could brake them beyond repair. Not even the God of Creation can recreate his body when it's shattered into shards.

I began to understand why Night used to kill and torture so much, the feeling of power over another living being was so thrilling. I should have never asked him to stop it, playing with life's was so much more fun than saving them.

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