Chapter 33

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Dream's P.O.V.

Now, who's next ? Who else could harm my beloved brother ? There are so many AUs, I couldn't kill every single one, so I had to focus on those who were too close to him. But who would that be ? Maybe the ones who were around him recently. Half of them were already dead, excluding the fluffy Sans and Dust. And possibly that other person, 'Fate' , even if it could be difficult to find them, I would do everything for my brother.

I should try to find Fluffy first, I didn't know anything about him, he wasn't as predictable as the others. Dust wouldn' hurt my little moon-at least I hope that-, so I can deal with him later. However, it would be boring to kill everyone just like that, and I needed a way to prove to my brother that  I  did it. He had to see that I could protect him, no matter which dangers we would have to face. And we would face them together, I'll make sure of that. There's no turning back now, I'll make Nighty proud. But first of all, I should find him, or all of this was useless.

His presence was easy to find, but his aura was concerning. It was one of anger and confusion, with a slight hint of worry. Did somebody hurt him while I was busy dealing with the traitor ?! Was it my fault that he got hurt-again ? I promised to protect him, but I'm just to weak, am I not ?

Even if I failed to keep my first promise, there was a solution to this problem. Simply killing the problem. Killing them, over and over and over...There was no escape. Twisting their body beyond recognition, I would make them pay. Pay for touching my brother.

Everyone always thought of me as an angel, and I would be one. An Angel of Justice, one that would judge all those who did what they shouldn't do. A being that would put an end to all the misjudging, even if it had to be one of pure darkness.

Teleporting to the source of Nighty's trouble, I didn't hesitate, striking without looking at my victim. They're not worth looking at, anyways.

Nightmare's P.O.V.

I went to question this weird person, but another approaching aura stopped me right there. Now it wouldn't be a suprise if it was another living being, but this- this person, if you could even call it a person, had a aura that would remind anyone of death. Anyone but a few people, those who met the actual god of death. While Reaper's aura was not a pleasant one, it was nothing like this.

This creature's aura was colder than ice, but still burning with rage and determination. I've never felt anything like this before, this person surely wasn't sane anymore. Didn't Fate say something about a literal Embodyment of Insanity ? Not that they were a reliable person, but what if she  told the truth for once ? What if there really was a threat bigger than those we already faced ?

A restrained scream interrupted me once again, something wasn't right. My new acquaintance had vocalised his fear, a fear of a painfull death. Suprised, I looked up, only to find what appeared to be an all to familiar tentacle pierced through his chest.

Wha-Why would I ? I didn't even-No. No, I didn't move, I was sure of it. That couldn't be my tentacle. But it had to be mine, right ? Of course there were other Sanses with tentacles, mainly ocean ones, but those weren't made of Corruption, while the one stabbing him right now were.

Corruption. There was something important about it, something that wasn't about mine...

Well, it couldn't be that important, anways. However, I needed to know who decided to kill my current information source, even if I couldn't kill them, I didn't want to hear another one of Dream's lectures, so I looked up to the source of this weird tentacle.

First, I noticed a glowing yellow oval, which appeared to be an eye. That was interesting, but not as important as you might think, since there was something else with this unknown creature. A golden crown rested on its head, one with oddly curled ends.

How ? That was Dream's crown. How did that thing get his crown ?! My brother doesn't take his crown off. Ever. Is he dead ? He couldn't be, I would've noticed, right ?

" Who are you ? " , I couldn't ask it about Dream, yet, not when it was on a killing spree. Maybe Dream lost his crown, and this thing decided to wear it ? Yeah, that must be it.

" Can't you recognize me, brother ? It's me, Dream. " ; No. Just no.


Yes, it is.



In a fit of explainable rage, my tentacles lashed out, cutting the already dieing person in half.

" Hey ! I wanted to kill that ! " I stared at Dream in utter disbelief, my brother would never say anything like that ! Not even if he got corrupted...

" Why ? What did he do to you ? "

" He didn't do anything to me. But he made you upset. That's reason enough to kill him. I'll prove you that I'm strong enough to defend you. I'll be your guardian angel. " , what do I do ? Or say ? He seems so lost...Just like me...How could I've let that happen to my little brother ? I'm a terrible guardian, killing all of my family members. He was the only thing that I had left, the only one that I still loved. He couldn't be gone just like that ! Maybe I'm just overreacting, maybe he isn't really gone...Some part of my little sunshine has to be alive, right ? I know there is still hope... I'll just have to believe in him like he did in me...

3rd Person (and a timeskip)

It didn't take the reformed positive guardian long to find all those who could be a threat to his beloved brother, and he elimitated them quiet and quickly. Noone dared to say anything bad about the former Guardian of Negativity, and those who did disappeared within days.

Terror came upon the world as it corrupted with shadows, but neither of the guardians cared. Dream built a castle on his own, deep inside the void of corruption, as he called it. The twins, now offically both royalities, lived there without any contact to the Multiverse, peacefully and calm. Fate disappeared, without leaving any trace. The Multiverse was dieing, but the two corrupted gods were happy. They were happy together.

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