Chapter Two

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The whole idea belongs to SinfulInky, and I just edited this chapter, so I won't get problems with copyright.


Ink and the Dreamtale brothers were now at what used to be Inks and Errors house, but Error moved out and now lived at Nightmares mansion. Of course Nightmare never agreed to that, since it was his home he should at least have a say, but Error obviously didn't care about Nightmares opinion on all this.

They were sitting at the table in an akward silence, chewing on their food. Since the silence was annoying for all of them, somebody had to try and break it.

" So....whar are we going to do about Error ? "

Dream banged his head on the table, making it obvious that Nightmare shouldn't have said that.

" U-Uh, sorry I wasn't thinking. " , Nightmare stuttered , " Is Paperjam doing allright ? " , he attempted to change the subject.

Dream, who knew Nightmare wasn't used to cheer people up, sighed and took over the conversation.

" If you don't want to talk that's okay, Ink. Have you drawn anything recently ? " , he tried to lighten up the mood.

" Nothing important... " , Ink blushed while saying so.

" Oh, but I really like your drawings ! Can I see some ? " , Dream suggested.

Somewhat happy the subject changed, Ink nodded and pulled his sketchbook out. A few pages were being shown to Nightmare and Dream, ( I totally didn't write passive because I was confused on Inks Gender there ) one a picture of classic, but a really cartoony version, with big eyes and a smile almost bigger than his skull. Dream really liked that picture, but Nightmare seemed to be rather weirded out by it.

Of course that wasn't the only picture, there was one showing all of the Star Sanses cuddeled under a blanket and one of their first time stargazing together for example, aswell. As Ink flipped through the pages he left some out, acting like nothing happened, that again was soon noticed by Dream, who asked to see the sketchbook.

" Could I have the skechbook for a moment ? " , the positive prince asked. The Artist immediatly shook his head violently, hugging the sketchbook close to him.

Suddenly footsteps could be heard and Paperjam entered the room, wanting to know who his daddy had chatted to.

" Daddy ? " , he called out. Ink immediatly turned his head around to look at his son.

" Yes ? Do you need anything ? " , Ink replayed, pointing to the empty seat next to him. Paperjam accepted the invation, recognizing Dream during the process.

" Oh, hello Dream ! " , Paperjam greeted, being emberassed from calling Ink that way. When he sat down, he noticed the other person in the room, immidiatly recognizing Nightmare. Scared, he hid underneath his daddys arm and huged him. He continued staring at the guardian of Negativity, giving him an unsettling feeling.

Everyone but Nightmare was confused by Jammy's actions, who knew the exact cause of the childs discomfort. He dropped his goopy tentacles unintentionally, excusing himself from the table.

" Wait, brother, what's wro- " , he was interupted by the door being slammed shut. The force of the slam made the pictures on the wall shake. All of the pictures were drawn by Ink, and being hung up by Error. They were being taken down slowly though.

" P-Please stay- " , Dream muttered, storming out. Paperjam looked at his daddy with guilt.

" D-Did I do something wrong ? " , they whimpered. Ink slowly shook his head.

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