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Believe, for anything is possible.
Believe, and your dreams will come true.
Believe, Believe, Believe, they said.
And guess what now I'm screwed.

Do not Believe their lies.
Do not Believe their rules.
When you Believe, you drink their poison.
Then realize, you're a fool.

Believing got me nowhere.
Believing doesn't make you great.
Believing won't help you in life,
Won't help you keep the faith.

Belief in what is possible.
Belief in what others say.
Belief grips you in its clutches.
And holds you back, keeping you enslaved.

So I will always choose not to believe.
For their words only did me wrong.
I have chosen a new path.
My plans have been been redrawn.

No, I will never believe,
Not in talent nor in luck.
To me hard work beats everything.
And it's all I will conduct.

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