What Matters Most?

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What matters most is happiness
As life is bound to end
Enjoy what makes you smile
Art, Sports, Family, or Friends

What matters most is art
Art is the world's soul
What makes humanity speak all
It's how inspiration unrolls

What matters most is beauty
For our world is dark
Beauty comes with everything
And gives desolation a spark

What matters most is friendship
Friends, they'll always have your back
They'll pick you up and dust you off
When bullies come talking smack

What matters most is family
They never let you fall
Where friendships break and end
They'll take up the call

What matters most is the present
Because the future and past
They are infinite
But the present never lasts

What matters most is change
Without change, we'd never know
How to improve ourselves
So we'd never grow

What matters most is Religion
God, he's the most high
Follow your holy book
And in heaven, you'll fly

What matters most is truth
For honesty is pure
Relationships take trust
And the truth opens doors

What matters most is love
For its what everything revolves around
No matter what matters most to you
You still need love to keep you sound

Candles of the Night: A Book of PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now