05: Close

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Scott couldn't stop smiling during the show. All the drag queens were good but the little one from the beginning was by far the best.

He ditched Carlos and his friends at the end of the show and walked close to the drags to get to know them. The little one was the most lonely, he looked so secure on the stage but shy in everything else. Scott hoped the translator didn't fail this time because he wanted to congratulate him.

"Hola," Scott said with that funny tone every American used to talk Spanish. 

The little guy looked at him and passed his eyes up and down and then got stuck in Scott's eyes.  

"Hello." Responded the Drag Queen with a smile on his beautiful face. 

"Do you speak English?" 

"Of course, Honey." Then offered his hand. "Rossie Peach at your service."

The blonde took his hand but didn't shake it, instead, he took it to his lips and kissed it.

Scott lifted his glance. Peach Boy had his perfect front teeth biting his thick inferior lip.    

They should know it at that moment, but they didn't notice it until was too late. 

Love at first sight exists. 

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