02: Fade

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Scott wasn't comfortable in that place, people were speaking in Spanish all the time and even when he was from Texas he never made an effort to learn another language because... all the other countries learn English.

Why pay attention to the Spanish class?

Is not as Spanish class was that good either. The verbs change with the genre, the quantity, and the time.

Fucking crazy.

His hopes of having a good time in Chipilo were fading faster but his parents looked happy even when they had to do a lot of modifications in the house and he was the only one with time to help them.

His sisters were married after all, each one with their own family. He was the single one and his parents stopped asking him awkward questions like: 

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Where is Dany?"

"Where is Xavier?"

"Where is Bruno?"

They just gave up on his chronic promiscuity and assumed he would be one of those gays who remain single forever.

That sentiment was ok at his 25 but after the 35's he didn't know anymore.

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