Chapter 53: Kiss

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Well... who can guess what happens? Or does no one read chapter titles anymore?

---John's POV---

He looked really nice, and really happy- almost as happy as me. I was still reeling in shock from the fact oh my god he liked me, but the shock was starting to lose its sharp edge and the happiness was beginning to flow.




Alexander Hamilton, the world's most wonderful, adorable, smart, amazing person liked me.

I looked at him shyly, a lock of hair not tucked behind his ear as it usually was. His hair was so smooth, straight, and dark, but I noticed it curved a bit, probably because it was always tucked behind his ears- a habit that was normal.

See? Adorable. So. Freaking. Adorable.

I could tell it was bothering him too, because he subconsciously glanced at it and twitched his fingers, without even noticed. Of course, he was bundled up like a mummy, so he couldn't tuck it like he usually did without a thought.

Blushing brighter than the sun, I reached forward and did it for him, feeling his soft hair slide through my fingers.

Go for it, my brain whispered to me as my fingers traced his jawline. I couldn't stop. He was just too beautiful. I really, really, really, really, really, really wanted to kiss him, looking so Alex-like, biting his lip nervously and watching me through his eyelashes because his head was tilting downwards just a bit towards his fiddling hands.

Go for it!

So I did.

Gently, I tipped his chin up with the hand that hadn't left his face, my other hand taking one of his and intertwining our fingers.

He closed his soft brown eyes as I leaned in, letting my own flutter shut, and then our lips met, gently, softly, sweetly, so purely that I felt like I was exploding with sunlight from the inside out. His siped lips were dry from the house he'd spent lying in the hospital bed without chapstick and I didn't care because it was Alex!

I pressed my own lips to his, longing to go farther as I let my hand that wasn't holding his rest on the small of his back between him and the backboard of the bed. His hand, which had come to rest on my cheek, slid to my neck, the rough bandaged hand pulling my closer. I scooted closer to him on the bed, hearing the slither of the bed sheets as I pushed his gently against the wooden backing.

Alex let our lips drift apart again, our foreheads resting against each other. I was so close, I could count each of his soft eyelashes, gaze into his intense, piercing brown eyes for eternity. He was gorgeous, a light blush ghosting over his cheeks, his lips parted the tiniest bit, his eyes a little bit closed.

And then they close all the way, and his tipped his head back ukp to meet my lips, his own parting softly after a second, an invitation. I accepted, of course, slipping my tongue softly in and feeling him respond in kind, setting the world ablaze with light and color even as my eyes stayed tightly shut. I had wanted to do this, ached to kiss him for so long that it felt years overdue, weeks of yearning compressed into this one moment. His tongue explored my mouth and I slid seamlessly into absolute heaven as he guided the kiss gently and softly.

I hated having to pull away for air, but I stayed with my face inches from his as I blushed wildly.

After several gulps of air, I told Alex wryly, "Yeah, I'm definitely in love with you."

Alex, with a sly smirk and twisted warmy in my stomach, pecked me on the lips before responding, "That's been confirmed."

I was just leaning in again for another kiss when a hospital person walked in. "Hey- please don't. The last thing we need is more germs. He'll be out soon, probably tomorrow. Until then, visiting is over, so..." He gestured out the door apologetically.

Curse him, may he rot in hell. "A minute?"

He shook his head. "Sorry." He didn't look it.

I looked back at Alex and kissed his bandaged hands before backing out the door.

"Love you," he called out after me.

What miracle gave me the love of someone like him?

---Alex's POV---

He kissed me! I kissed him! We kissed! God, I wasn't a huge believer but I thanked him anyway. Or, perhaps more accurately, I praised the Holy Mother of Gay.

Wow, that was beautiful. For the first time since waking up in the hospital, I found remaining awake to be an appealing option, whereas before I had tried to sleep off my life- or hoped to, anyway.

"Hey," I asked the person working the hospital room hopefully, almost chuckling at the shocked expression on his face that I had gone from lying motionless in bed to sitting up casing sunrays out the window. "Is there any way you could get me some coffee?"

"My got, it's like you came back to life! You think you'll pull through? They left a bunch of coffee items right outside your door, I'll make some." the guy replied, tucking his gloves in his white coat as he left to grab it, surprising me considerably because my expectation was that they'd have set restrictions on caffeine as well.

I smiled tentatively, and then more joyously as I realized the bruise on my cheek wasn't as bad as I thought. The pain wasn't as bad as I thought.

"Yeah," I responded with honestly, "I believe I just might."

I know, I know, short... You still love me, right?

             -The Worst Writer on Wattpad

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