T W O - C O M M O N R O O M A N D... W H A T?

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Chapter two- The Common Room and....What?


Harry, Hermione, and Ron all walked back to the common room along with all the other gryffindors flooding around them.

"What classes are you guys taking?" "Well I'm taking Divination, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, I've read a lot about them, Muggle studies, study of Ancient Runes, and all the other mandatory stuff." Said Hermione proudly. "How are you gonna take all that in one day! I'm only taking Arithmancy and Divination." "I've sorted it out with Professor McGonagall." "How about you Harry? What classes have you decided to take?" "Divination and Care of magical Creatures." "Care of Magical Creatures? Boring, I'm not gonna do it unless I'm forced to, I'm not to keen with animals." "That's probally why you have a rat as a pet!" Said Hermione, pointing to the lump in his shirt pocket.

Ron gasped and pointed to the upcoming common room. "You have a killer cat! That's nothing better!"

Hermione and Rom crossed their arms as they walked into the common room. "Guys, dont fight, that wont help anything. You both have wonderful pets." "Thank you Harry, atleast you kind have good taste," Hermione turned to look angrily at Ron. "Its better than liking rats over my wonderful cat." "Its just different opinions." "Your right Harry." Hermione turned to face an upset Ron. "I'm sorry Ron, your rat is decent." "Your cat is decent too, I guess." Hermione looked back at Harry with slight disappointment.


"Are you guys going to Hogsmeade this year?" Harry looked down and sighed. "Nope. My aunt or uncle wouldn't sign it." "That sucks, we'll make sure to bring you back as much candy as we can back to you." Said Ron. Harry nodded and smiled slightly at Ron.  "Maybe Fred and George will bring back some stinkpellots for you." Ron said with slight hate.

A little bit later, after all three of them got tired near the end of the day, Harry, Ron, And Hermione went their separate ways. Ron and harry going into the Boys Dorms and Hermione skipping off into the Girls Dorms, trying to calm Crookshanks to not go into the boys dorm to murder Scabbers.

Harry laid down on his bed, a lot of things troubling him since he stepped foot in Hogwarts, he could make a book about it.

-he just made a new enimie: Draco Malfoy. Note: Stay away from him

-New classes that he has no clue about  start tomorrow: get your game on, or you have no chance.

-you only know 4 people, and one of them hate your guts.

-your not common with the magical world, you should read more.

Harry could probally list more and more problems, but just didnt wanna think more and more about how this year would such.

He looked down at the scars on his arms and legs and sighed in disappointment for himself. He was always disappointed for himself, and he hopes that now that he is in Hogwarts, his life can turn better. He wont have to see his family often, which he didnt mind at all.

He turned to see his snowy owl and smiled, he atleast had a pet that was kind to him.



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Sorry got the short update.

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