F O U R - B U Z Z O F F !

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-Chapter four: Buzz Off!-


Harry Potter walked over to the next class alone, without Hermione or Ron. He was a bit upset he chose this class over something with one of the two.

He looked over and saw Neville and before he could walk over to him, Hagrid, the newest teacher, started his class.

" 'ello everyone. Firs' class today."

Malfoy wasnt in this class, so nothing to worry about.


Class went like normal, leaving Harry kinda upset because he had a ride a hippogriff because he was kinda worried it would throw him off in mid air, and that wouldn't be good.

Harry still didnt have class with neither Hermione or Ron till after lunch and lunch was after this class. He had transfiguration next, just what Ron had earlier.


Harry was suddenly pushed to the side of the wall and he winced slightly, since he of course didnt see that coming.

He saw Draco Malfoy and his two other companions.

"Not so brave when you dont have Weasley or Granger there to save you. Your scared, aren't you Potter. Have transfiguration? Me too."

"I'm not scared of you Malfoy. Its probally the other way around. Without those two fools, you'd probally be walking away pouting and saying," Harry turned into the best imitation of Draco as he could and said "My father will hear of this!"

Draco looked at Harry with a face of disbelief. Did he really say that all the time?

"Well your no better, Potter. You'd probally go running off to tell Professor Lupin or Mcgonagall since oh! They always have your back, don't they." "You dont know what your saying, Malfoy. You always have your father there to tell him your worries. He'd probally do anything to make sure you rule over all in this school, and for that, I envy you, Malfoy. If only my father was still here, maybe, just maybe, he would've saved me from what I went through before I came here!"

Draco looked shocked. Had Harry Potter really gone through trouble? He was treated as good as ever from everyone around him. They all loved him, but for Malfoy, it was fake love. It was always the way people acted.

Malfoy looked at the two beside him, who were more shocked than him, and walked off and away, probally to class, which Harry followed after Draco was far away enough.


Class was as normal and right when he left the class, he had no energy. It wasn't because he was hungry, it was because the encounter with Malfoy.

Harry saw Ron and Hermione chatting with some other Gryffindors and Harry sat right next to Ron as soon as he got there.

"You dont look to well, Harry. You alright?" Asked Ron. Harry nodded, his head now on the desk and his face slightly pale. "I had an encounter with Malfoy going to Transfiguratuon." "That stupid git! He should stay away from you, what does he need from you!" "You know he hates me, ever since the other day, it was probally because I 'declined' his offer." Harry turned his head the other way to look and Malfoy, who was pointing and laughing at others, the usual, and then he turned his head back.

It was true that Harry was more pale then usual, and that he wasnt feeling exactly well. "You positive your okay Harry? Your very pale and you look extremely tired, you should eat or maybe go to Madam Promfrey." Said Hermione, who placed her book to the side and looked at Harry, face full of worry.

Harry sat up straight. "I'm okay, Hermione. I'm not hungry, and I'm just pale because of the encounter." Harry lied. He knew they both doubted him but he just need to calm them down and to believe he really was okay.


Hermione, Ron, and Harry started walking to his next class, when Harry started becoming dizzy, and more dizzy, and more dizzy, before he held onto the nearest wall to him, and before he knew it, he had fainted.


"Harry?" "Shhh!" Harry heard two voices, they sounded like Hermione and Ron. "Your going to wake him up! He obviously needs more sleep." "My point is to wake him up! I need an answer!"

Harry blinked his eyes before he saw 2 blurry faces staring down at him, he could only make out who they are by their voices, and they definitely were Hermione and Ron.

"Harry! Good, your awake." Said Ron. "Madam Promfrey just left a little bit ago to get something but she should be back soon, shouldn't take to long to get something, unless you get stuck." Said Hermione.

Harry sat up and looked around for his glasses. "Where are my glasses? And what happened?"

Hermione passed Harry his glasses and said "You passed out, right when we were walking to class. We got so worried and started fighting since we knew you didnt eat enough food and you were way too pale for it to be because of a silly encounter with Draco." Said Hermione. "Ya, had to carry you to the infirmary, lucky we weren't that far from it and that you were actually very light." Said Ron.

Hermione passed Harry a plum. "I just went out to get some extra food that Madam Promfrry had, and this is what I found. She said for you to eat this. She also said you passed out because of lack of food, I told you you should have eaten breakfast."

Harry grabbed the plum and staired at it, he didnt feel hungry, but by the looks the two were giving him, he had to take a bite, so he did. Even though the plum tasted good, one bite already wanted him to throw up, but he forced himself to eat it.

All three of them heard a door shut and they turned around to see Madam Promfrey walking in with a vile of some sort of liquid.


Bit of a longer chapter for you

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Bit of a longer chapter for you. 1000+ words.

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