T H I R T E E N - B O R I N G ( P A R T 2 ? )

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-Chapter Thirteen: Boring (part 2)

Harry walked after Draco left, his hair pretty neat, and decided to go the common room instead, but immidiently remembered that he needed to go back to grab his homework.

After he grabbed his things, he wanted to hurry to the common room before Ron and Hermione left.

Walking into the common room, he almost knocked into Ron, who was walking next to Hermione, and probally leaving.

"Harry! We thought you weren't coming here so we decided to come to the wing to see you." "Thanks, but I'm here now. Bring me back something."

They said their goodbyes and went off separate ways.

Harry sat on a chair near the fire and staired into it for a while before starting his potions essay.

Without Hermione there to help him through it, he seemed to not do much. Even when he tried to do his divination essay aswell, that was probally even worse.

He was pretty lonely throughout the day, and slept alot more than usual, and he was very energetic when Ron and Hermione arrived back with items they purchased.

"Hello Harry, we're finally back." Said Hermione. "Just saying mate, Hermione felt bad for leaving you alone here the whole time were at Hogsmead. She was saying things like 'I wonder if Harry is alright!' and 'I think we should head back, he's probally bored out of his mind!'" Hermione hit Ron on the shoulder with a book Harry had on a sofa close to them. "Ronald, stop it!" Ron was laughing while running around, Harry was laughing aswell slightly, all while Hermione was chasing Ron with the book in hand.

When Ron got tired, Hermione hit him one last time on the shoulder before placing it down next to Harry and saying "Sorry Harry, I didnt hit him hard enough to break the book so its okay." Ron was on the floor clenching his shoulder with his hand. "What are talking about 'not hard enough'!? That was hard, im surprised the book isnt cracked!" "Shush Ron, your being a baby."

Hermione turned to look at the smiling Harry and pushed a bag towards him. "This is all we got you. We even got to get a butter beer for you before we left, we were lucky we got any. You should probally drink that first before it gets bad." Harry took out a metal cup with a lid on it out of the bag. It was cold to the touch.

He placed onto a side table and looked into the bag, seeing all sorts of crazy looking candy, some plain candys he recognized were chocolate frogs and Berty Botts beans.

"How much work did you get done? You had so much time I'm not even surprised if you finished it all." Harry looked down at the pile of books and papers and shoot his head. "I couldnt think straight and ended up doing little to no work. I slept most of the time. I'm not at all tired." "Did you eat at all?" "No, I wasnt hungry at all, not even now." "Okay then."

By this time, Ron had ice in a small bag pressed against his sleeve and was muttering what seemed to be 'not hard enough, my arse'.


All three of them talked while eating candy, except Harry, he just drank the butter beer.

At the end of the day, Harry strolled back to the Hospital wing. Draco was already there. Madam Promfrey reminded Harry about the pills, and all the usual. Draco was already passed out by the time he finished, it was pretty late so Harry saw why.

He laid down after he got ready and closed his eyes, still not seeming to sleep. He only finally fell asleep after what seemed hours.


I adore Luna

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I adore Luna. Also, sorry about not posting for a bit. I basically got exams this week so I gotta stick up with all that. So sorry! I actually just finished writing this second before posting. Its rough.

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