N I N E - O O P S . . .

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-Chapter Nine: Oops...-

"I'm back, we better start hurrying out, Ron almost woke up when I closed my suitcase." Said Harry, who almost tripped in his way running back to Draco.

Draco stood up and nodded, and walked towards Harry, who suddenly tripped, falling foward to Draco, knocking him foward, causing a very.......awkward situation.

Harry was blushing perfusly while Draco was just shocked, you can tell who is more girlish. Harry was on top of Draco, very, very close to his face, close enough that if Draco felt like it, he could've moved not even an inch and feel Harry's lips, which he kinda wanted to do that.

"O-o-oops. S-sorry." Said Harry as he got up and looked to the floor.

"Yes, yes, Potter. Your face is as red as ever, what happened to you." That caused Harry's face to become more red, red as.....an apple? Or as red as it could possibly be. "Are you sick? Or do you have a little crush on me." Draco smirked and put his hand on his hip, looking at the red faced shorty infront of him, with his messy hair, and his crooked glasses.

"Didn't you say we had to get going?" Said Draco as he started walking toward the closed door painting, that opened once Draco pushed it.

Harry rushed after him after he picked up his suitcase from the floor.

The rest of the way to the infirmary was silent, more students were rushing around, looking at the 2 as they walked. There was about 6-9 feet between the two of them, so they dont make alot of attention.

When they walked into the infirmary, Madam Promfrey was standing there, dull eyed, and arms crossed, staring at the two boys.

"What were you two doing out of the wing?" She asked. Draco pointed to Harry with his working hand and said, "He forced me to go with him." "Did not! He wanted to come with me, or else he said he would have woken you up. I just needed to get my things from my dormitory so I'm okay to stay here." "Hes a lier, he forced me to, even with my hurt arm." "Whatever the truth is, neither of you are supposed to be out before hours, you should know that. Go back to your beds and get ready, its barely time for you two to head off."

The two boys rushed past her and Harry gave Draco a mad glare while Draco gave Harry his signature smirk.

Harry placed his suitcase on top of his bed and opened it, clothes that were forced into it spilled out, making harry worry.

He grabbed the clothes he needed, and the books and his wand, and headed for a private room to change. Since he was in a bathroom he brushed his teeth, and surprisingly, brushed his hair, still messy after wards.

There was a knock on the door with Draco saying "What's taking so long, Potter? Hurry up, will you. Your not the only one here." "Yes, yes, Malfoy. I forgot you have zero patience. I'll be out soon."

Harry buttoned the buttons on his shirt and opened the door while tightening his tie. He pushed right passed Draco, who was slightly stunned at the beautiful moment that Harry showed him. He also noticed he wore a long sleeve shirt instead of the usual short sleeve, he didnt really know that the school made long sleeve uniform tops, but decided to push it away, thinking it was probally just a choice he made himself, and why would he care?

He got ready and walked out, seeing Harry stuffing his books in his back and rushing around, wand in mouth, which was very dangerous, thinking there may be a spell people didnt know about, like a curse word spell or something.

"Are you hungry, Harry?" Asked Madam Promfrey, who appeared out of no where. "Nope, thanks though."

Once harry was finished and all ready, he decided to leave. "I'm gonna head out to the Great Hall now, bye." He said, walking out, leaving Draco alone.

He walked down the halls until he saw all the students at their tables, and spotted out Ron and Hermione, of course, at the Griffindor table, chatting away.

"Hey guys, good morning." Harry said, sliding in to sit next to Ron. "Hey mate, didnt see you last night or this morning, where were you?" "Detention, I slept on the couch and left early for something." Harry lied, which Hermione could slightly see through him. "Who did you have Detention with?" She asked. "Snape, you know he would do anything to give me detention. The only other person to give me detention is probally Professor Mcgonagall, but she normally doesn't, it's a rare thing." Hermione nodded and continued to eat normally.

Harry was surprisingly tired, even though we thought he had a pretty good night sleep. He thought it must be because he is just starting to feel what it means to eat again.

"Are you not gonna eat?" Asked Ron, who was obviously stuffing his face with all the food infront of him.

"Sorry, I'm not very hungry right now." He said, but Hermione shot him a worried looked. "I dont want you to pass out again okay? Promise me you'll eat atleast a tiny piece of food at lunch." Hermione said. Harry gulped but nodded. Eating would mean he would have to have to go to the hospital wing again, and he only wanted to be there to sleep and wake up, not to eat anymore.

The trio chatted until they had to go, leaving a disappearing Hermione, Ron, and Harry, going to class.


I love his smile <3

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I love his smile <3

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