F I V E - S I C K

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-Chapter Six: Sick-


Harry sat up and watched as Madam Promfrey walked up next to Hermione and held out the bottle with some sort of liquid out to Harry. "Drink this, it should help with your dizziness."

Harry nodded and took the bottle out of her hand and looked at the substance weirdly before drinking it.

It burned his throat a bit and he coughed, not liking the feeling.

"Sorry I didn't warn you. It hurts your throat doesn't it." Harry nodded, continuing to cough, he put his hand on his throat, his nails digging into his skin.

He looked up, still coughing slightly, seeing Ron and Hermione with shocked worried faces. "I'm fine now, wow that kinda hurt, really badly. I feel better now though, am I able to go back to the dorms?" Asked Harry, not wanting to be at the hospital wing any longer. "No, your gonna stay here for the day seeing as I wouldn't want you fainting anymore. All your classes for today will be excused."

Madam Promfrey later shooed Ron and Hermione away, the two glancing one last time at Harry before being out of sight of him, then she walked back and sat at the foot of the bed.

"I have a bit if a," she paused, Harry guessed to see how to word things, "-personal question. If you dont mind me asking." Harry nodded. "Ask away." "You seem fairly thin, do you eat?" Harry's face turned shocked but he nodded, not wanting anything to come out. "Yes, I do."

Madam Promfrey handed Harry a strawberry she had in a bowl on a counter nearby. "How about you have a bit of this?" Harry gulped and took the strawberry, not feeling to well anymore. He took a bite, immediately standing up and going to the nearest trash can, throwing up the bits of strawberry he bit away.

"That's what I thought. Anorexia." Whispered Madam Promfrey. "What?" "Anorexia, an eating disorder you may have. Did you know?" Harry nodded and looked at the floor, after he stood up. "No wonder your awfully skinny, the clothing is the only thing covering it up for you. That's also why your throat hurt so much from that potion, even I got worried before knowing why." Madam Promfrey walked back to the bowl of strawberries and ate one for herself. "Its nothing to be embarrassed about, I knew 2 others in my work time here that have the same deal like you."

Harry walked over to the bed infront of Madam Promfrey and sat down. Hands getting colder and loosing feeling, his anxiety popping in. He turned pale by the second and his break turned rapid. "Are you alright, Harry?" Said Madam Promfrey, who kinda turned worried herself. "A-" harry took a huge breath, trying to calm himself. "A-anxi...anxiety." He finally said. She turned to look at Harry. "Would you like something for that as well, I have useful muggle medicine that has worked for a lot of people." Harry nodded, still breathing slightly heavily, his embarrassment growing on him.

Madam Promfrey handed Harry some water and a pill, which she called muggle medicine, that looked like some anti-depressant advil thing, but he took it anyway, slowly after, calming down.

"You need rest, lay down now." Harry nodded and just laid down, watching Madam Promfrey walk away, till he drifted off into the darkness called stumber.


Harry woke up with him panting and in a cold sweat.

He was still in the hospital wing, but it seemed to be quiet, no footsteps, except the few he heard outside the door. It seemed to be extremely late, or extremely early.

"Your awake."

The voice startling Harry, making him jump, but he noticed that it was just Madam Promfrey.

"You happened to sleep all the rest of the day, must have been tired." Harry nodded and he watched her grab a small container with some sort of liquid in it and after grab a tray that had a cut up apple on it and she grabbed it and placed it at the foot of his bed.

"Drink this-" she pointed to the container, "-than eat." She pointed to the food.

She looked sternly at Harry, which made him worried and scared as he nodded and did as she asked.

"I thought of giving you that drink last night, not knowing if you like candy or not." Harry nodded, finishing the liquid that left a sweet candy taste in his mouth.

Harey grabbed an apple slice next, not wanting to eat it but too a bite out of it, and surprisingly, the apple tasted like nothing, no flavor in his mouth.

"Your able to go back to classes today, you woke up a bit early so you dont have to worry about being late." "That's good." He continues to eat the apple slices, happy he doesn't want to throw it up every time he bites it.

Harry stood up from the bed and grabbed the extra stuff he had on the side tables. There wasn't much since he didn't bring anything over than what he had on himself the day he fainted.

He waved Madam Promfrey goodbye and walked out the door, seeing teachers and some students walking around, probally getting ready today, Harry almost bumped into multiple students and a teacher on his way back to the common room.

He said the password and walked in, seeing Ron, Hermione, and Neville, plus the other gryffindors in the common room, sitting around the room, but those 3 were sitting around the blazing fire when they looked up and noticed Harry. They stood up and walked over to Harry.

"Harry!" Said Hermione.


A bit of a longer chapter for yall

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A bit of a longer chapter for yall.
Also, I'm out camping and it's a swamp.

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