I'm Back Than Ever

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Well hello some may know me. Well I'm Stella today I'm going back to my old school at California. Well let me tell you what happen two year ago. I been good, I had more muscles then ever. Yup I was a nerd that time but I wasn't fat I was skinny I always do workout since I'm going to school here. I went to London to stay their and finally came back here.Well this year will be different last year I graduate but here I suppost I need to graduate when I'm 18. Me and my family came back but not just them my gang also since we can't get separate we will be together. Since my parents are rich they buy a big house for me, my twin brother, and my gang. Did I forgot to metion my twin brother, well my bad. His name is Mark Rojo. Well lets get back to the story shall we.

"STELLA WAKE UP" Jessica burst open on my door and started to jump on my bed.

"What is it important to wake me up, JESSICA" I yell her name.

"You don't want to be late for your first day of school"

"Fine but all of you are coming since your still not 18. I will make breakfast today" her face lit up and started to stop jumping on my bed when I said that and started to run away.

"WAKE UP EVERYONE STELLA IS MAKING BREAKFAST TODAY" at of nowhere everyone door started to open up and everyone is rushing to get ready.

When I went downstairs I went straight to the kitchen making food. When I was done I yell "THE FOOD IS READY" everyone came rushing and finish their food and we went to the garage.

"Everyone take your motorcycle and I will take mine" I said. Since they have the same one I don't, since I'm the leader.

 Since they have the same one I don't, since I'm the leader

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All of us hop in on our motorcycle and we drove away. We drove so fast the police have to get us but all of us went to separate ways.

We made to school, my gang went first, did I metion all 25 of us are going to Lockwood high school, I guess not. Then, it was me. All of my gang took their helments instead of me. My twin came up to me and I grab his hand. When I took my helmet people where whispering.

"She's a girl I thought it will be a hot guy" or "She's such a slut, look at her clothes"

Out of nowhere a guy came up to me.

"Welcome back bestfriend long time no seen" I remember this person how could I forget

"True that Daniel. This place haven't changed at all since I left". I said giving him a hug

"True can't wait for you to meet my gang" he said smiling.

"Hello you guy can you leave my girl alone" Rick said coming and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Well sorry I didnt know you were her girl and I don't care she's my bestfriend" Daniel giving him a dead glared.

Me and my gang laugh our ass out. Daniel look really confused.

"Don't worried about him, Rick is gay" I said and Daniel eyes widen.

"Well my bad" he scratch is neck.

"Well I'm going to talk to my friends you can talk to Rick" I said leaving.

Daniel POV

When Stella left I was with Rick.

"You shouldn't worry about me you should worried about her boyfriend" Rick said

"Who is her boyfriend" I was really curious to know

"James Martin" Rick said told me

"You mean 'The Black Wolfs' gang I heard about them they are team with you. So that means Stella is dating the leader" I said sadly.

"They begin dating 1 year in a half. Both of them have each other back. What I heard James was like Stella along time ago" Rick said. "James is always protective to Stella even her parents love him including Stella twin brother" I'm so shock that Mark approved of this. He won't even let anybody be with his sister on me.

"I never thought Mark will be like that. He never lets and guy get close to his twin"  I said.

"I know right" Rick said

"Hey guy come on time to go to class" Stella shout

"We're coming" Rick yelled he look at me "lets go"

Is James a good person or a horrible person? Find out in the next chapter.

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