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Daniel 'POV'

I'm at home thinking what just happen.
She loves me all this time and I haven't did anything.

I still have chance woth her. Does words keep repeat what James said I can't believe he's going to die. He deserved Stella for the way he treats her, I wish it was me.

My question is what is love? Are my feelings for Stella is love? Will I stop feeling this way for her or will it keep going?

So much in thought I didn't hear the door open.

"Sweety what are you thinking about"

"I'm just thinking about Stella" I said look at her and I continue "I can't stop thinking about her"

"Sweety she's a good girl give her time. She just got back. I have a feeling she's going to be my daughter-in-law" my mom smile. She up and walk to the door she turned around "don't worried I jut know. Every mother knows what good for their kids" she said and left.

I know my mom is saying the true, but I can't forget about it. I need to let off steam.

20 minutes later 

I went to my gym to let some steam off. I been doing this ever since Stella left out of my life. I can't get jealous she has the right to be whoever she wants.

"Are you done" I turn around. None other than my sister Daisy.

"What do you want" I said annoyed

"I need an advice" she said nervously

"Go on"

"IlikethisguyforverylongtimebutheisoeyearolderthanmeohanditsMarkStellatwinbrother" she said way to fast, I didn't even catch up

"What did you said"

She breath in and out

What is wrong with my sister, she looks like a tomato.

"Well I said that I like this guy for very long time, but he is one year older than me and it's Mark, Stella twin brother. I'm not sure if I like him or love him do you think he will loves me or just like as a friend"

I know how that feels like.


So it took me along time to update this but that's life. Sorry for making this shorter, I will try to make it longer next time.

What will Daniel say to her sister? Do you think Daniel will every have a chance with Stella?

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