Chapter 18

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We finish our conversation and head downstairs where everyone is at. More like it's empty, they must be in the training room. I use to go to the training room a lot when we have a lot of threats but this time we got none and it's weird because this is the first time ever since James died. 

It's like someone wants him dead, but who could it be?

I looked at the training room thinking about it could be someone in my gang or James gang that is a traitor. 

Come to think of it, I forgot that James was talking to my brother Mark about someone being a traitor in the gang; the question who? Who is willing to kill James just to get his position, trying to get my position or both?

Daniel is looking at my face that I'm focused on in the training room. 

"What's going on your head," Daniel said

I snapped out of it

"Let's go to my office where my brother and your sister might be," I said going to my office

Daniel followed me.

I open my office door when I opened it I couldn' believe what I'm looking.

"Mark, get your hands of my little sister, bro," Daniel said

Closing my eyes with his hands

Like, come on it's not the first time I see my twin make out with girls before. Oh, thou he never slept with one just make out before. If I know anything about my twin, he really fell in love with Daniel's sister. He never stops talking about her, Daisy won't like me, what if she likes me, Do you think Daniel will let me date her, she so beautiful..... and you know the rest of them.

"Brother, what are you doing here," Daisy said firing herself.

I'm waiting for Daniel to remove his hand away from my eyes.

"We have to discuss some with you guys"

It's like he read my mind, but if he read my mind, how come he didn't move his hand away from my eyes so I could see what's going on. 

"You could stop covering my twin eyes now," Mark said pointing at me 

Daniel looked down at me and saw what Mark mean.

"Sorry, about that" Daniel said remove his hand

"Doesn't matter we have a business to talk about?" I said walking to my chair

I told Daniel to close the door and lock it since no one could hear us since it's soundproof.

"Stella, what's going on," Daisy said 

Mark and Daniel looked at me.

"Sis, let the gang handle this, you know you are pregnant," Mark said looking me worried. 

"I know, but we can't tell anyone about this, probably only Daniel gang I guess," I said not really sure about it. 

"Why can't we tell anyone about this" Daisy said

Daniel hasn't spoken yet, my guess he is thinking

"We can't tell them because..." I said but I was interrupted.

"There's a traitor in the gang" 

Who do you think is the traitor? Only Tuesday, I will be posting one chapter. It could be this story or the other one that I'm working on, maybe it could be both.

Well, I hope you love this chapter I will be writing more. Bye, stay safe.

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