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They can't be the Johnson brother.

"Rick... I mean Roberto, why?" I whisper.

Rick is my best friend, he always cheers me up no matter if his jokes are lame or trying to filter with me. Does Jessica know that her boyfriend is Roberto?

Before he could say anything.

"Does your girlfriend know?" I said with anger, my mood swings are all over the place.

The next thing I started crying.

Rick, wait scratch that out. Roberto walks toward me and hugs me.

"Stella don't cry I didn't mean to hurt you. You are my best friend in the whole world, including a sister to me that I never had" Roberto cry while hugging me.

"Jessica knows, but I told her to keep it a secret because James couldn't find out," he said

"But ..Jam..es is.. de...ad," I said hiccuping

"Well, James isn't dead or you could say he isn't James as we thought"

I turned around and saw Anna and Damien.

"I didn't know you guys will be here," I said

"Aren't you going to tell us that you miss us?" Anna said

"Of course I miss you guys," I said smiling

"What do mean he isn't James as we thought," I said

"James isn't his real name. His name is Tom Willams" Damien said

"He killed the real James Martin and uses his name because no one knows how he looks like," Mom said

"When he found you, he took his chance to use you," Daisy said

"Wait, how do you know all this," I said

How is James using me? What does he want from me? Who's gang did he take from?

Come to think about it, I have no clue about his gang.

"Tom uses you for his own pleasure, but we also taking money and weapon from us," dad said

"We were trying to call all of you, but for some reason, none of you answered," mom said, thinking so hard.

I'm the leader of my gang, and I never noticed anything strange, including James aka Tom stealing stuff in the gang.

"We need to find him before it's too late because he is working with other gang members," Daniel said.

"B..ut...I saw him die in front of me" I said feeling like I space out

Daniel kneels in front of me and looks at me.

"I'm sorry that this is happening and we should have seen this coming, but the importance is that you aren't allowed.

"I hate to break this all, but we must leave now," Roberto said.

We all turn to Roberto when dad walks towards where Roberto is looking at.

"Roberto is right we got to leave Tom is coming right now with an army," Dad said

"Don't worry the gang went to a safe place that Tom doesn't know but we need to go now?" Damien said.

Everything is going so fast that I can't focus at all, I felt someone carrying my guess if Daniel.

"Everyone to the secret passage there, some cars waiting for us, we need to leave now," Mom said.

Without knowing I close my eyes and the lasting I heard don't worry love. 

The final chapter and don't worry I will make a second book. There will be a time jump and I will release the second book probably in January or February. I already released the second book We Are Destined and go check it out. Another announcement I will be making a book that involves wolves in the story that's a hint for now.

Hope you enjoy this story and thanks for reading.

From: Grigri

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