Crossover with We Are Destined 2

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"Hold that thought I forgot to call Josie" hit my head lightly.

I grab my phone and started calling her.

Before she could say something I said

"Hey bitch"

"OMG Stella, is it really you?"

"Yes, how's my best friend?"

"Sleep as fuck but happy"

"So guess what?"


"Me, James, Daniel, Elena, and Jake plan on coming to Michigan for spring break"

I don't know if I should tell her that I'm at the private jet but guess not.

"Yay, where should we go after we pick you up from the airport?"

"How about Sammy's Diner?"

"Yea that be nice."

"Okay cool, I'll call you when we get there, oh how's Dylan?"

"We're dating"


I started to yell at the phone. 

"OMG I'm so dead I'm so happy congrats!"

"Hey chill  I'm not getting married and I'm not the one having a baby"


"Well, I'll call you soon okay?"

"Kay I'll talk to you soon bye Stella"

"Bye Josie" 

 I end the call.

I went outside and see Daniel pacing around.

"Daniel," I said

He didn't listen.


What is wrong with him. Is like he is deaf. I keep calling his name till I yell his full name.


"WHAT" he yelled

Oh no he didn't yell at me 

"I'm so sor-" before he could finish I slap him.


James and Jake walk in.

"What's with the yelling," James said.

I turn around.

"Well when I came here I was calling his name because he was pacing a lot and I started to yell his full name, but then he yelled at me. Oh, and I slap him" I said then left.

People may say that I mess up but I hate when people yell even if I have to yell at them. But one thing that I didn't know is that some will be watching us and one of us is going to risk their life for someone, but who?

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