Chapter 17

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"Let me tell you something about me being a nerd and how it all started," I said to Daniel

Right now we are sitting in a chair in the library room, he told me a question about me being a nerd and how it all started. 

I was like why not tell him since it's the right time and who knows when will I have a chance to tell him.


I and my twin brother are sitting in front of our parents because we got in trouble at school this time. Us twin we get in trouble a lot when Daniel wasn't around, dad told us not to tell him. 

"Dad why are we here again, we didn't prank or hit anyone this time," I said my 12-year-old me.

"My dear sweet daughter and son it's time for you both to learn about business in this family and disguise yourself." dad said looking between us.

"What we going to do since we already know you are part of a gang," Mark said surprising mom and dad.

"How do you know," Mom said still looking surprised 

"We heard you talk when we went to that house a couple of times. Plus we sneak last time when you didn't want to take us with you" I said smiling at them

Dad turns to mom and said "I told you they get it from you"

Mom glared at dad "Not might fault how should I know if I could trust you back then" 

Dad nodded "Good point"

"Maybe they got it from you when I was in disguise for a date and I didn't tell you so you just spy on me." mom said

Dad looks at mom and groaned "Don't remind me that plan got backfired because of my jealousy and I didn't know you were on a mission" 

Mom jumped and smirked "I knew you were jealous of those guys I dated back then" 

Did they forget we are here and listening to them?

"Hey, I like you way back then you just never noticed me plus you were always with that football player"

Wow, they don't notice that we are listening to them. 

"Plus I never was with any girl only you" dad said

"Okay, your kids are here we don't want to listen to whatever it was," Mark said, I just nodded. 


"Wait, hold on I thought your dad was a player, not your mom," Daniel said

"Dad was way too loyal and mom was a badass, did you know my mom use to bully my dad even though he was in disguise in school," I said

Daniel looks shocked.

"So, yeah, back to the story," I said crossing my arms


"We will talk about this later" dad said to mom who is already blushing

"Don't say, anything dad?" I said keeping both mom and dad silent

"You want us to be in disguise so no one will know who we are. We kind of figured it out when we have a fake last name at school." Mark said

"Also, we can't tell no one because it will danger them. If someone bullies us we have to let them do it so we don't blow our cover" I said.

"One more thing we are going to move our freshmen year in high school because we are joining another gang that will help us train" Mark finish saying

Both us know this because we heard mom and dad talk about it. They can't keep anything from us because we are twins and very sneak.

Mom and dad looked at each other and pointed at each other.

"They got that from you," they both said and at the same time.

"We got that from both of you," I said and Mark agreed

"Remember mom when you were sneaking behind dad because he has to go on a date with someone and sleep to get the information because someone was trying to kill us. Mostly us your kids when we were a baby"


"Hold up" Daniel interrupts

Here we go again

"Did your dad cheated?" he asked

Seriously, that's all he cares!

"That's all you care if my dad cheated on my mom. What about the other stuff that I said"  I asked

Sometimes I don't get him.

Sorry I haven't been posting for a while but guess what I finally graduate. Woohooo, I'm out of High School and of to College. The sad part I have a little break and then I start online classes. 

Let's not talk about that, hope you enjoy this chapter



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