Promise Me

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James POV

When the went to the parking lot. I was facing Daniel. I know how he is, he still loves Stella more than me.

"What do you want to talk about" he said.

"You know that I love Stella more than anything and I know I should this to you like stay away from her or be overprotective but I can't do that." O said

"Umm okay, but what got to do about me" he look confused

"I need a favor"

"It depends, what it is "

"I want you to promise me when I die you will take care of Stella and my unborn child for me"

His eyes widen

"Did you said unborn child"


"You can't tell her I said that she will know that I said unborn child. We haven't told anybody yet." I said truthfully

"Okay, but what do you mean you will die" he said confused

I startes to get frustrated

Daniel POV

"No it can't be" I was so shocked

"I only I have 1 year to live. I will see my unborn child but I need your help" he said seriously.

I nodded

"I need you to take every single videos of me, Stella, and my child" he said so hurt.

"Will do it for you and Stella"

"Promise me when I die you will fall in love with her. Both of you are destined to be together I just know it. That's why I trust you with her even she could be so subborn."

"I promise. I will take good care of her and your kid" I said giving him a bro hug

Stella POV

"Do you know what there talking about" Anna said

"I'm not sure" I'm really curious

"Do you think James will propose too you" Damon said excited

"Isn't it too early" I said

"Not when your pregnant" Rick said smirking

All my friends look shocked and said "YOUR PREGNANT"

Someone wrapped there arm around my waist.

"Yup she's pregnant I'm going to be a father" he look down at me.

"I thought we're going to tell them together" James said

"We are until Rick told them" I said pointing at Rick

James glared Rick "How do you know Stella was pregnant"

"Well she been eating a lot, she gets so tired, she never stop fighting, she been throwing up all morning, both of you always have sex together like multiple times, and also you didn't hide this really good" Rick said holding the pregnancy test

"You know I pee on that"

Rick throwing it in the ground and tries to wipe his hand.

Daniel look at the pregnancy test and look at me and James.

"Congrats both of you" Daniel said hugging me

"Bwt she will be with Daniel I'm for sure" Rick whisper to Damon and Anna

"Your right" Damon and Ana said

"Well, come on guys we have business to work on" James said

All of us walk to our car and James grab my hand and put me on his chest.

"You know Stella that you are important for me and our unborn child. I will do anything to protect both of you" James said kiss my lips, he pull away and look at my eyes.

"Promise me you will take good care of yourself and our unborn child" James said I'm really shocked

"What ar-" I couldn't finish my sentence.

"Just promise me please. If something happens to me or I die. Promise me you will move on with your life and please tell our child about me. Just in case she or he won't meet me soon"

I look at his eyes and tears are coming down. I'm sure I'm crying to because my eyes are blurry.

Daniel POV

"It's so cute how they love each other no matter what they both went through" Mark said.

"What you mean" I didn't look at Mark. I'm just looking at them kissing. I'm really getting jelaous, it should be me kissing her. They love each other and that matters but I know that I still have a chance with her if James die.

I can't believe James is going to die. His treatment hasn't change any bit.
He's not I bad guy, I could tell he loves her so much and treats her right. I will always wait for her.

When Mark talk I snap out and came back to reality.

"Both of them thought they will never find love. Stella like this boy 2 years ago, she thought he won't like her at all. It broke my heart seeing my sister like someone that doesn't like her at all or that's what she thought"

It makes me angry that kid just ignore her. I guess she didn't like me that time. I didn't know she had a crush. I thought we tell each other on everything.

Mark POV

I look at Daniel he look so angry.

"He didn't see her. She so pure and so innocent that time. Why won't he see her how I see her. Maybe he doesn't deserve her at all. I bet he goes around and sleep with every girl in this school" Daniel said letting out his anger

I started to laugh I can't believe he say this to himself.

"What are you laughing at" Daniel glared at me

"Is that you said all those stuff to yourself" my eyes went big, I put my hand over my mouth

"That boy is me" Daniel whisper and still look shocked.

I have a feeling something is going to happen. The question is what?

Well I'm going to go since I got to keep writing since I don't have any teacher on my 2 classes. Wish me luck to write the next chapter.

It could take days, weeks, or months to finish  one chapter.

I'm finally going to get a job even though I'm still in high school. Bye

What do they mean James is going to die? Do you think Daniel will confess his love to Stella or not? Find out the next chapter bye.

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