Crossover with We Are Destined

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Next day

I hate school so much. At least that bitch isn't here anymore.

"You know we should go to Michigan" Daniel said

"Oh, you got the call too" James said


"We do need a break. Since tomorrow we start Spring Break" I said rubbing my belly

"Well I got call from Daniel saying they are going tomorrow so we should go too" Daniel said

I was about to say something when my phone ring.

"Hello Stella is speaking"

"Stella it been along time"

"Omg Elena is that you"

"Of course is me who else"

"Cardi B"

"Haha, very funny"

"I called if you and your friends want to go to Michigan"

"I know and we will love to come"

"How do you know, you know what never mind I know who it is"

"I hope Jake is running right now"

"Of course he is"

"Hahaha, you making me laugh"

"Well I got to go see you tomorrow at the airport, and we are taking the private jet"

"Okay,  see you"

I log off and look at Daniel and James.

"Looks like we are going to Michigan tomorrow"

"YES" they both yelled

Next Day

We woke up and had our bags ready. Right now we are in the airport.

Mark take good care of the gang I will be visiting a friend at Michigan.

Okay twin take good of you and the babies I know James and Daniel will take good care of you. Bye twin

Bye Mark.

I log off and went to meet the others.

"Do you see Jake and Elena anywhere" I said look around

"I don't se-" James was interrupted by a scream.

"OMG STELLA" I turn around and it was no other than Elena.

"ELENA" Me and her started to run each other but slower pace. We are drama queen if you didn't know that.

"For two people that haven't see each other, they really run slow" Daniel said.

James and Jake nodded each other.

"Good to see you again cousin" James and Jake did the bro hug.


Then, we heard gunshot.

I look at James and we know who it was.

"We should keep going" Jake said

All us nodded

Stefan is sending us a warning. I wish I killed him along time ago. Have you wish that you have a genie lamp so you will make wishes, well I have. That way Stefan will be killed forever and never come back.

We went to get our ticket and went to jet.

Next, thing Daniel say took us for a surprise.

"Do you know who was that" Daniel said

We all look at each other
Elena POV

When he said that took me by surprise.

"The one that was shot was just a warning for us." I said

"Basically is my cousin Stefan doing this" Jake sigh

"Yeah he been doing this for revenge he wants me to help him, but I decline his offer. I'm not a person to go for revenge and killing innocent people" James said

"So his your cousing too" Daniel said to James

"Yeah" he sigh

"His dad had a past with my parents, so bascially he wants me to his girlfriend or something" I said

"He is the one that killed my ex"

I felt two arms around my waist I look at Jakes and I saw hope in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry" Daniel said

"It's okay you didn't know" I said

Stella POV

After the talk I went to the bedroom laying down and touching my bump on my stomach is started to show alittle.

Knock Knock

"Come in"

The door open and it was Daniel.

"Did you need something" I roll my eyes

"Ouch, that hurt" Daniel fake cried

"Stop being dramatic, what do you want" I said getting annoyed

"Well I been meaning to ask you along time and I know it's to late, but..."

Well hello guys it been along time and I'm sorry I didn't publish more chapter, but I'm trying mt best.

I hope you like this chapter. Don't for get to vote and comment. Thank you very much.

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