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It was night back at Mr. Lee's store, Venom was begging Eddie to use the bathroom faster than he was. <Please Eddie, hurry up!> "Just give me a second! God!" Eddie yanked his zipper up and reached out for the soap, pressing down on the dispenser. <Seriously!? Since when have you ever cared about personal hygiene!?> Venom roared. "Since I got you." Eddie replied, washing his hands. <Gurgh! Normally we would lash out in anger at you, but we need to get going!> Eddie swung the door open and nodded. "Agreed, let's say goodbye to Mr. Lee before we go." <Eddie for God's sake!> Venom groaned. Venom didn't understand, Eddie had known Mr. Lee since he was young. He was saying goodbye because he knew he could never come back, because he would put Mr. Lee in danger. Not only that, but Mr. Lee was always a friend of Eddie's, he didn't judge him like other adults did. "Leaving now?" Mr. Lee asked, washing his coffee mug. "Heh! Yeah, I guess I need to pull my act together." Eddie said, rolling his shoulder, causing Venom to come out of his other shoulder. "Yes, old man, we must go now. Thank you for your hospitality." "See ya Mr. Lee! We'll make sure to visit." Eddie smiled, running up the stair case to the roof. "Heh! Those two..." Mr. Lee said. Eddie burst out the door, looking around the loud black night. Sirens and horns were the night's harmonious melody. To a normal human being, it was torture. However, this played as an advantage for Venom, allowing him to cause noise that would be drained out by the streets. "Eddie, can I now?" Venom asked, turning his head to him. Eddie didn't respond right away, but once he did, there was no stopping Venom. "Yeah, let's go!" Venom grinned and forced himself onto Eddie's body, making him transform into Venom. Venom dropped his tongue out, swishing it around. "To long, Eddie." Venom took no time to make any comments, he shot off into the night, trying to pick up on something. <We have no idea where they took (Y/n).> Eddie said. "Even if we did, where would she be inside of wherever she is?" Venom added, jumping high into the air. Venom scanned the surrounding area, not seeing anything that stuck out. <Hell if I know where she would be...> Eddie trailed off. "Damn, no leads. This will be harder than we thought." Venom growled, crashing down into the pavement, before leaping back onto a building. <Venom! You can't just do that!> Eddie growled. "Would you prefer us to crash onto a building or on the pavement?" Venom growled, looking back at the deep hole he made. "And judging by that deep impression, not many would have survived if we had." The hole reached over a fifty-foot diameter, and a twenty-foot impression in the ground, showing the impact and strength Venom had. Venom jumped onto another building and Eddie growled. <Ok, ok, fine!> "Besides, we don't have time to worry about people's lives. (Y/n)'s life is our main concern." Venom zig-zagged on top of the buildings, trying to find something of yours that would help him track you down. "Damn, not a scent or even trace of her. How unsettling and discouraging." Venom hissed, mounting himself on the edge of a building. <Agreed, if only we knew where they went.> "He's an FBI agent, correct?" Venom asked, looking over thousands of buildings. <Yeah, (Y/n) said something like that.> Eddie said. "Then they will be hidden?" <Most likely.> Eddie growled. Venom looked down at the streets, the cars and trucks roaring and casting a blinding light from their headlights. Smoke and fumes piled up in the air, making anyone's nose twist inside out. Venom looked around and held his head up, sighing. "Would it be too much to ask for trouble?" <Yes, it would.> Eddie said in a stern voice, warning Venom to behave. Venom chuckled and stood up. "Do not fret, I think our wait is over." <Huh?> Venom saw a black and white van that was big enough to hold people in the back. The van itself didn't have anything on it, it was blank, which made it look suspicious. Venom licked his lips and pounced, jumping on top of the van, shaking it. <Venom!? What the hell!?> Eddie screamed. "Shut up, this is the van that took (Y/n), idiot." The van screeched as the driver was trying to keep it balanced. Venom drove his long black claws into the roof of the van and peeled it back, exposing a gun pointed to his head. The man looked very young and afraid, holding his shaky hand with his other one to keep his gun in place. "What the fuck man!? Turn the car left, sharp!" The young man in the black suit ordered. The man behind the wheel spun the wheel to the left and the van quickly shifted, knocking Venom off. Venom fell on his side but wrapped his arm around a pole and pulled himself up. Venom slurped his tongue back in and barred his fangs. "Damn punks..." Venom ran after them and this time, shot his arm threw the back door, ripping it off. You were unconscious in the back seat and Venom grinned. "Perfect." The van stopped and Venom halted, tilting his head. The young man glanced over at you and held the gun up to your head. "Damn parasite! You don't know what you're messing with!" He growled. "Parasite...!? You know...we were wondering if we should let you live or not, but you just made that decision for us!" Venom shot his arm at the gun, ripping out of the young man's hand and driving it through the driver's head. The young man froze, not being able to retaliate in such an overwhelming situation. "Heh!" Venom smirked and pulled you back into his arms, cradling you. "(Y/n)...what have they done to you?" Venom asked, pushing your hair back. The man franticly took out another gun and fired two shots. <Venom!> Eddie screamed. Venom was immune to bullets since his symbiote abilities gave him powers beyond a normal human being. One bullet hit Venom square in the forehead and the other bullet spiraled out of control, hitting you. You screamed in pain, shooting wide awake, holding your arm. <(Y/n)! You ok!?> Eddie screamed, even though you couldn't hear him. Your eyes closed shut as you clenched your teeth down, feeling the pain spreading throughout your arm. You applied pressure to the wound and tried to prevent further blood loss. Venom let out a low growl and glared at the young man with the gun. The young man dropped his gun and felt fear swell in his heart, forcing him to cower in fear. His lips were stuck in place as his words were lodged in his throat, unable to scream. Venom gently set you down and made sure no one was behind you to attack. Once he knew you were safe, he stormed up to the young man and grabbed him by the throat, squeezing it tightly. "You bastard...hurting her like that...scum like you make us sick...!" The young man's eyes were locked on Venom, unable to look away. Venom bit the young man's head off in one clean bite and dropped his body to the ground, spewing blood everywhere. Venom licked his fangs clean of any blood and grinned. Venom heard you scream and quickly lost his smirk. He ran over to you, kneeling down to help you. "(Y/n)?" You starred at Venom, remembering what Daniel told you to do. "V-Venom?" You gasped, beating your fist into the ground. The pain was unbearable, never had you thought being hit by a bullet would hurt this bad. Your fingers were wrapped around your wound, trying to cut off the blood flow. Venom saw the blood leak through your fingers and picked you up in his arms. "Don't worry, we will take care of you." Venom let his body latch onto your arm, stopping the blood. You pulled your hand out of the symbiote and let it dangle by your side. You smiled weakly, feeling sick to your stomach. ("If you don't bring Eddie and his symbiote back to us, we will let this one loose...on you.") You put your face in your palms and sighed, not knowing what to do. <Venom, we need to get (Y/n) somewhere safe.> Eddie said. "Agreed." Venom jumped up onto a building, heading to Eddie's house. You shivered, cold and frail. With the high speeds Venom was traveling, it was hard to try and stay warm in a t-shirt and long blue jeans. Venom stood at the top of a building, looking at you. "We're here." You nodded and Venom dissolved into Eddie, who didn't expect to suddenly change like that. His eyes blinked open fast as he wobbled a bit, gaining his balance. "Woah..." Venom was still hooked onto your arm, not letting any blood escape. However, you and Eddie were now tied together by Venom. It was like a long black rope was keeping you both together through your arms. <Eddie, we can only keep this up for so long.> Eddie nodded and held your hand, smiling. "Come on, lets go in." You nodded and Eddie took you inside the building through the roof top doors. You both stepped inside the elevator and Eddie rubbed his neck, uncomfortable. "Are you ok?" He asked you once he had enough courage to ask. "Huh? Oh...yeah, I'm fine. Are you ok?" You asked. "You know Venom can heal me." He said. "Oh, right." You fell silent and repeated the words over and over again in your head. (Do I really have to do this? If I don't, they'll let that thing loose, even if it isn't on me...urgh! I hate feeling weak and useless!) You sighed and growled, punching the wall. Eddie flinched and Venom was aroused by your actions. <Something is bothering her...> <You think!?> Eddie screamed. You took your bruised fist out of the wall and saw it start to swell with the colors purple and blue. "Nice." You muttered, hearing a ding from the elevator. The door's slid open and you both walked down the hallway to his room. Eddie opened the door and you walked in, having him shut the door. Venom shot his head out of Eddie's chest and he looked at you, upset. "You are hurt but you appear to be worried about something else." You growled and turned away. "You think to much." You blew him off. Venom let out a low disgusted growl and Eddie looked over at you. "What happened, start talking." You crossed your arms and felt Venom pull the bullet out of your skin. You starred at him and he grinned. "We cannot let you remain hurt. It is not within our nature." You blushed and flipped your hair, pouting. "You just worry about your host, not me." You said. Venom hissed at you and you growled back. "(Y/n), what happened?" Eddie asked. You rubbed your arm as Venom was stitching up your wound. "N-nothing." "Fucking bullshit!" Eddie yelled in disbelief. "Why won't you tell me!?" He growled. You didn't want them to worry about you or themselves. You didn't want to be the one responsible for either of them dying. Daniel had you wrapped around his finger almost to well. The thought of even the slightest flaw made you cringe in fear. You didn't know if Daniel was watching you or not and it didn't help that he made sure you wouldn't know. You didn't want to turn Eddie or Venom in, but your fear clung to your mind like glue. The thought of a symbiote, one different from Venom, was terrifying. You thought that Venom was the last one on Earth, but perhaps he was one of many. Regardless, it didn't change the fact that your own fear was taking over you. "Nothing...it was a misunderstanding on the other person's end. Th-they thought I was someone else." You lied. Eddie crossed his arms and Venom let your arm go, fully healed and strong. "You know, I have known you all my life, I can tell when you're lying." Eddie said. "I-I'm not!" You protested, slamming your foot into the ground. "Oh, so your stuttering is just natural then!?" Eddie challenged. "N-no..." You trailed off and sighed, not knowing what to do. Venom entered Eddie's body and came out of his shoulder. "Let her rest...she might be in denial of what she was exposed to." Eddie starred at you and sighed, holding his face. <I just...> <I know, you care for her, we both do.> Eddie looked up from his hand and shook his head. "Fine...just go to sleep for now and you'll tell me everything in the morning." Eddie said. "Us, you will tell us everything." Venom added. You slowly nodded and walked to bed.

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