Fallen sunflower

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You and Eddie arrived at Mr. Lee's place with the help of your symbiotes. You gasped and looked at the closed sign, starting to cry. Eddie growled and clenched his teeth together. "Bullshit! That man never closed his store!" With Eddie's sudden anger, he punched the glass frame out of the door, and you yelled not expecting Eddie to do that. "Eddie!" You cried. Eddie looked over at you, with teary eyes and puckered lips, sobbing. He shook his head and growled. "I don't give a damn! We need to find him!" Eddie reached down for the door knob and opened the door, stepping into the destroyed store. The new knick-knacks laid on the floor with their heads and limbs broken off of their whole, some couldn't even be described because they were crumbled into dust. The once clean counter was now replaced with blood and empty bullet shells. The lights were shot from above by a gun and lay scattered amongst the ground. The floor, covered in crimson blood transfixed your heart in a deep and pain staking way. You gasped and held back a scream, for everyone's sake. Papers and food laid scattered on the floor, making it look like whoever was here put up a fight. "Mr. Lee!? Mr. Lee!!!???" Eddie screamed, taking no time to stand around like a deer in headlights. He ran upstairs with such haste he tripped and fell twice before getting to the top. You walked to the counter and Vanquish came out of your shoulder, his eyes slanting down, showing his sadness. "(Y/n)..." You put your shaky finger down on the counter and trailed it down through the blood. Vanquish took notice to your odd actions and tilted his head in wonder. You picked your finger up and watched the blood trickled down your pale skinned finger, bursting out in tears. "Vanquish?" You blubbered in pain. You held your finger up to him and he held his head back. "What?" He asked. "Smell it...is it Daniel's men or Mr. Lee?" You asked. Vanquish hesitated to do anything. Vanquish might have many abilities but smelling someone's blood and tracing it back them is not one of them. Vanquish shook his head and sighed. "We're sorry, (Y/n), but we can't do that." You cursed and flicked the blood off your fingers and bit your lip. "He...he...he wasn't connected by blood...but it sure as hell felt like it..." You cried into your hands and Vanquish sighed, wishing he could do something. "(Y/n)!" Eddie yelled, causing you to brake out of crying. "Eddie!?" You shot upstairs and came to Eddie, standing at the top. "What is it? Did you find Mr. Lee?" You asked with the little hope you had left. "No..." Eddie held his head down and pointed to the flower pot. "But they did..." He slowly said, choking back tears. You gazed at the flower pot, shattered on top of the broken table and saw that the sunflower. That sunflower represented Mr. Lee, it was plucked of all its petals and crushed on the rubble. The rose and daisy were unharmed, miraculously, but they seemed to lean in towards the sunflower like they knew he was gone. You let the sight soak in, making sure to burn a mental picture in your head. "Mr. Lee..." You trailed off, stomping your foot. "This is all my fault! If I stood up to Daniel to begin with none of this would have happened!" You screamed, sniffling. Eddie wrapped his arms around you and held you close, letting you cry into his shoulder. "Don't blame yourself, no one could have done anything to prevent this...no one..." Venom and Vanquish both looked at each and then their host's. They looked down at the floor and slipped back into their host's bodies, feeling uncomfortable and out of place. You screamed into Eddie's sweater, your voice being muffled from the fabric. "Eddie...I want him...s-safe..." Eddie swayed you side to side and held your head, trying to comfort you. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop this..." Eddie said. You drooled into his jacket and held him tighter. "Eddie...where would they have taken him?" "To the base." He answered. "So, even if he was alive...the fire..." You trailed off and Eddie gulped, holding you closer. "No, (Y/n)...he escaped, that man wouldn't die like that." You didn't say a word and neither did Eddie. Everyone in that room was thrown into a spiraling pit of despair and hopelessness. Nothing could make you happier than seeing Mr. Lee safe and alive.


You and Eddie stood at the top of the hill, the one you and Eddie played at when you were kids. The huge tree had Mr. Lee's name carved into it, by you and Eddie's hand. You starred at the tree, seeing how the ages and years have taken a tole on it, just like Mr. Lee. The branches were naked and shriveled with no leaves to cover its skin. You starred at the hand carved name and let a tear slide down your cheek. Your cheeks flushed red and your eyes swelled with tears. Eddie stood off in the distance, talking to Venom. "Why old man, why?" Venom asked himself. Eddie looked at his feet and said nothing. "Eddie...do you think he could be alive?" Eddie wished it to be true, but he didn't want to give Venom or you any false hope. "To be honest Venom...I don't know...I don't know anything anymore..." He trailed off. Venom fell silent and watched you silently stare at the tree. "The old man could still be alive, Eddie." "I know that Venom." He said. "Then why don't you tell her that?" Venom asked. "Venom." Eddie turned to him with the most serious expression Venom has seen plastered on his face before. "If I tell her that, which I have, that will only drag out the pain." Venom tilted his head and stared at him with a confused expression. "How?" "Venom, giving someone hope that something lost will return one day is a death sentence. Clinging to the constant idea that Mr. Lee will come back will only put her into a state of agony. She will forever hold onto that hope and it will torture her with each passing day..." Eddie trailed off. He curled his lip in and shook his angry fist. "Everyday..." He chocked out. Venom understood now, he understood that ever lasting pain is unbearable, but short and quick pain is no better. It wasn't until dark that Eddie had to convince you to come home with him. He pulled on your arm you didn't move. "(Y/n), we have to go now, you need to rest." You didn't move or speak, it was like Eddie was touching and talking to a stone statue. Your hands were cold and numb, and your lips were stitched shut. He sighed and was about to pull you along with him, but you stopped him. "Do you think?" You began, catching Eddie off guard. "Do you think...we could have saved him? Had we stayed, had I resisted against Greg, had I done anything to prevent any of this?" Eddie let you go and stood next to you, not looking directly at you. "No." He answered. "We couldn't have." You let the wind split your skin open as you exhaled into the cold night. "You're wrong, we could have." You argued. "(Y/n), there is nothing we could have done! If anything, Mr. Lee wouldn't want us sulking over his disappearance!" You knew Eddie was right, but you didn't want to admit it. Mr. Lee would be trying to make you happy right now, because he couldn't stand to see you sad. Eddie held you hand and wrapped his fingers around yours. "Come on, let's go home, I'll cook." You slowly nodded and walked home with Eddie. Underneath the tree where Mr. Lee's name was laid a baby sunflower, waving its head in the wind.

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