A returning friend

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You woke up, dazed and drowsy. You shook your head and moaned, cracking your neck. "Hmph!" You groaned as your neck cracked all the way down to your collarbone. It hurt a little, but nothing you weren't used to. You found Eddie, sprawled out on the couch, snoring very loudly. You would have guessed he was probably the reason why you woke up, that is if you didn't hear a knock on your door. "Huh?" You turned your head to the door, perplexed. You rubbed your eyes and looked at the time, it was six in the morning. (Who would be knocking on our door at six in the morning?) You sluggishly got off the couch and stretched, hearing a fist pound against the door again. You walked to the door, pulling your heavy feet across the wooden floor. "I'm coming, I'm coming! Geez..." You rubbed your eyes and opened the door, yawning. You saw a young man fiddling with his fingers, he was perhaps twenty. He slicked his hair back and his lips curled in once he saw you, his eyes scanning over your figure. He nervously smiled at you and giggled. He quickly shook his head and wiped his face off, acting odd. "Who are you?" You asked, not giving him time to think of anything to say. "Ugh...you know me! I'm an old friend?" He said in a sly manner, closing in on the door. As you were about to close the door, he wedged his foot in between it and slammed it wide open, causing Eddie to shoot up in a panic. He snapped his neck around to you and growled, hopping over the couch. "Who the hell is this guy? One of Daniel's men?" He asked, cracking his knuckles. "Oh my..." The man said, tilting his head at Eddie and laughing. "Oh my, it has not been too long since you two have seen me...even then I am rejected!" The man held his head and chuckled before breaking into a hysterical laugh, holding his stomach as he wheezed. Eddie growled as a warning and the man stood up, slicking his hair back and getting serious. "My apologize, I did not expect a warm welcoming...but I did expect something...maybe." His eyes met Eddie's and he saw his symbiote swirl within his pupil. He snickered and scratched his neck for a moment before looking you dead in the eyes. "All joking aside, have you both forgotten about me so quickly?" He asked. "We don't even know who the hell you are!" Eddie roared. The man looked at Eddie, questioning him and then sighed. "Oh dear...I have only been gone for, maybe, a week...?" He sighed, rubbing his neck. That's when it clicked for you and you ran into his arms, hugging him. "Vanquish!" You cheered, pulling him inside and shutting the door behind you. "Haha! Of course, my host would be the first one to recognize my aura!" Vanquish rustled your hair and Eddie crossed his arms, nodding in respect. "Nice to have you back." He said. Venom popped out of Eddie's shoulder, unhappy and a little peeved that Vanquish was touching you. "Do you mind keeping your hands to yourself, Vanquish?" Venom politely asked. "Hmm?" Vanquish studied Venom, frowning upon his facial expression, but then smiled. "Sure!" Vanquish stopped messing your hair up and you quickly fixed it. "Besides, I wish to be in her body. I have grown ill to this tarnished and wretched body that is unfit for us." Vanquish stuck his tongue out in disgust and shivered. "I must say it has been hell being without you (Y/n). However, knowing that I would return to you one day, and be inside of you once more, is what kept us going." You blushed and rubbed your neck, nervously laughing. "Ugh...that's one way to put it..." Vanquish meant good by saying this but that doesn't mean it didn't sound weird. To a symbiote, being in their host's body was paradise, even if the way they say it sounds weird. You crossed your arms and tapped your foot, a little worried. "Will I get sick again?" You asked. Vanquish snickered and shook his head. "You shouldn't, you have grown used to us after all." Vanquish said, grabbing your shoulder. "I will not lie to you this might pinch a bit. After so long it might feel a little unsettling to have me slip into your body again." Vanquish said. "Woah, wait! The body! You can't just do this in my apartment!" Eddie blurted, shaking his head. "Why not?" Vanquish asked, not understanding the issue. "He has a point Vanquish, the man will regain control and-" "-Enough, I get it...very well." Vanquish gave you a devilish grin and let go off you. He walked out the door, slamming it shut. You could hear his footsteps going down the hallway and you sighed, hoping he wasn't doing anything unnecessary. "So, he is back?" Venom asked, sounding jealous. "Venom, he won't take (Y/n) away from you. I'm sure he'll understand, it's not like we have to explain it to him." Eddie said. "Yeah! Vanquish will look through my memories to tell him what happened!" You smiled. Venom sighed and rolled his eyes. It was clear to him that you didn't know that he didn't want Vanquish to know what he did to you. It was a little embarrassing to Venom and he didn't know how Vanquish would react. You spotted something in the air vent, and you gasped, seeing a dark blue blob drop to the floor. Vanquish landed with a splat sound, like he had just broken something and that gave you goosebumps. "Vanquish!" You screamed, running over to him and picking him up in your arms. "Don't do that! You could hurt yourself!" You scolded him, causing him to latch onto your arm and pull himself into your skin. He swiftly bounded with you, not wanting to spend another second away from you and your body. You could feel him getting used to your body again, pleased to be back. <It is truly nice to be back with you (Y/n).> Vanquish said. <It's nice to have you back.> You said. Vanquish came out of your shoulder and you turned to Eddie and Venom, smiling. "So? Should we throw a party now that Vanquish is back?" You asked. Vanquish shook his head and laid himself down on your head, making Venom growl. "That won't be necessary." Vanquish and Venom said at the same time. "How about tatter tots for dinner?" You suggested. "Again?" Eddie whined. "Come on it's for Venom and Vanquish." You whispered, even though both of the symbiotes could hear you. Vanquish snickered and rolled over on your head, annoying Venom even more. "Ahh yes...Venom..." Vanquish began, dropping down to your side, smiling big. "I must say-" "-Before you start talking, let me make something clear." Venom hissed, interrupting him. Vanquish paused to listen to Venom, enjoying the symbiote's fit of rage. "If you ever make fun of her or even think about taking her away from us, we will kill you." Vanquish raised his eyebrow and sighed, shaking his head. "Do you see me as that type of symbiote? Geez, and I thought I had a narrow view of you. However, I know you and (Y/n)'s relationship has grown from the last time I have been bounded to her. It would appear to me that you have presumed the role of her boyfriend?" "S-something like that..." You said. It wasn't that you didn't see Venom as a boyfriend, it was that the name sounded odd. It didn't really fit in your eyes, so, you left the name alone. However, the word partner was the only thing that sounded ok for the time being. Venom didn't mind calling you his partner, he didn't really like the word girlfriend either. "We prefer partners." Venom said. "Fine, partners." Vanquish said, rolling his eyes. Eddie scratched his cheek and blushed, not so sure if he should step in or not. "Ugh...so...want to make some coffee (Y/n)?" He asked. "Yeah!" You cheered, running over to the coffee pot. You started to brew the coffee and Eddie waited next to you, while the two of your symbiotes glared at the other. You tapped Vanquish on the head and he looked down at you, barring his fangs. "What?" "Be nice." "We just got here, he's the one who should be nice." Vanquish protested. "Heh! She's ours Vanquish, grow used to the idea because it won't change." Venom snickered. "I do not mind it, Venom. As long as I am not a part of it..." Vanquish blushed and looked away, slowly lowering himself down to your neck and resting on your shoulder. "And...I assume you do not want me to meddle with your mark?" He asked Venom. Venom chuckled and rested on Eddie's shoulder, lashing his tongue around. "Naturally." He said, proud of himself. "Hmph! Very well, I respect my host's wishes as much as yours. Besides..." Vanquish paused for effect and grinned, sliding over to Eddie's face and licking his fangs. "Perhaps me and Eddie could get to know one another if you two ever want some alone time." Eddie grew pale and Venom felt his host's heart stop. <It is ok Eddie we will not ask that of you.> <G-good.> Eddie turned to the coffee brewer and you giggled. <Nice one.> <Your friend is rather easy to frighten.> Vanquish commented. <Don't be to mean to him.> You warned. <We won't.> "Anyway, what did you find out about Mr. Lee?" Eddie asked. You felt Vanquish's heart sink as he sighed, making you feel the same way. "Vanquish?" You asked, petting his head. "No...we...we're sorry..." Vanquish nuzzled against your neck and Venom held his tongue. "What? What happened?" Eddie asked. "We couldn't stop him...we weren't strong enough without (Y/n)..." Vanquish shook his head and sighed, feeling your heart bob in your throat. "Daniel has him."

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