Getting even (Part One)

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Eddie was sitting up against a wall, feeling tired and awful from all the testing and injections. Venom was also in pain, not being able to rest for the past few days and then have the burden of repelling all the toxic chemicals out of Eddie's body. Venom was barley keeping up with all the chemicals, he was worn out and tired, needing to rest. Daniel smirked, having his arms behind his back, watching Eddie from behind bullet proof glass. "Excellent, this is almost going along to well. Not only did I get Eddie Brock and his symbiote, but I was able to get rid of the girl. I knew she couldn't keep her mouth shut!" Daniel cackled and the worker next to him was looking over the data. "Sir, this symbiote is able to repel most of our lethal injections." He said. "Just as I hypothesized, that thing is bonded to him and will do whatever it takes to keep him alive. Now, we just need to figure out how this works..." Daniel pressed a button and opened a hidden door inside Eddie's room, causing Eddie to bring his heavy head up. <Eddie...I don't think...we can handle...much more of this!> Venom screamed out in pain. "I know buddy...I can barley stay awake." Eddie muttered. Daniel stepped inside the room and shut the door behind him, laughing. "Hmph! I'm impressed!" Eddie remained silent, not wanting to earn himself another injection. "When I first saw what a symbiote could do, I was fascinated by it, but I would have never thought that the symbiote would try to keep its host alive." Eddie glared at him weakly, wheezing out blood from his nose and mouth. Daniel shrugged, walking around Eddie. "If I had to guess, that symbiote wants to be inside of you." Eddie grew tense, keeping his ears open to listen. "Am I wrong?" He stopped and stood in front of Eddie, who was bleeding out of the corner of his mouth. < can't let him...find out about us. He will use that other symbiote (Y/n) told us about.> <I know...> "Well?" He smirked. Eddie licked his bloody lips and smirked. "What, you mean this parasite? Please, this thing hates me with a passion. I'm simply it's host, nothing more than that. If anything, he wants to kill me from the inside out." "Then why doesn't he?" Daniel pressed on. "Because-" Venom cut Eddie off by hitting his heart, causing him to throw his head forward and throw up blood. Eddie coughed out blood, barley being able to breath. <Don't do that you parasite!> <Shut up! I just saved your ass from telling him more than he needs to know!> Venom spat. "I see, so the feeling is neutral?" Daniel asked. "Yeah...I guess you could say that." Eddie paused, catching his breath. "Why do you want me here?" "Heheh! As I said, I am interested in these so called symbiotes. I wonder how they can advance the human body like no other drug in this universe." Daniel grinned and crossed his arms. "Not that it concerns you, I'm sure." Eddie spit out some blood and Daniel snickered. "The girl...(Y/n) right?" Eddie glared at him and Daniel held his chin, acting like he was innocent. "She was not really a friend if she forced you to come her." "You can't blind side me, bastard. I did this at my own expense." Eddie growled. "Oh? So, you like to be tortured?" Eddie fell quiet and Daniel smirked, with an evil intent. "Never the less, I hope we can grow to get along." Eddie spit some blood on Daniel's shoe and scoffed. "There's what I think about your little proposal, dick." Blood streamed out of the corner of Eddie's mouth and Daniel smirked. "I do not get enraged very easily, if that is your goal." Eddie frowned and wiped his mouth. "It wasn't, more of self-satisfaction on my end." Eddie smirked. "Very well...I will leave our conversation at that." Daniel turned to leave, but the intruder alarm suddenly went off. The red lights shot out, blaring into everyone's ears. Daniel covered his ears and Eddie remained still, not able to cover his ears, although the sound slightly hurt him and Venom. "What the hell!? Who broke in here!?" Daniel growled, getting flustered. Eddie licked the blood off his mouth and hoped it wasn't you. < you think it's (Y/n)?> <I'm not sure...> Daniel picked up his ringing phone and held it up against his ear. "What is it?" He paused and listened to the other person. The alarm started to die down, allowing Daniel to hear the person on the phone. "What do you mean she's back!?" Daniel bellowed. Eddie sighed and held his head down. < is her...> Venom sighed. <I told you we shouldn't have left the god damn note!> Eddie hissed. Daniel growled and screamed into the phone. "Well god dammit stop her! What kind of threat is she!?" He hung up and looked at Eddie. "You-" He pulled a gun out and held it to Eddie's head. "-are now a hostage. Come with me if you value your life enough." Eddie didn't move. "God damn you bastard! Stand the fuck up and do as I say!" Daniel grinded through his teeth, clicking the gun out of safety. Eddie shrugged. "I don't have to listen to anything you say. I'm not the one who's going to die." "Heh! What makes you so certain I won't shoot?" Daniel asked, cocky. "Because you know you can't kill me, my symbiote will only heal me." "I call your bluff." Daniel growled. "Then go ahead and shoot, find out." Eddie challenged. Daniel growled at Eddie and was about to pull the trigger, but the wall was slammed down by an out of control van. The van spun out of control, abruptly stopping in place. Smoke and rumble filled the air with toxic fumes. Daniel and Eddie were coughing and wheezing, trying to see through the thick clouds. "What the hell!?" Daniel yelled, seeing the driver's door open. "Are you trying to kill me!?" He screamed. A dead body was shoved out of the van, hitting the ground with a pool of blood. The body was mutilated, torn of its flesh and now a sight for all to see. The blood leaked out of its wounds, exposing itself to the clean air and floor. <Eddie...I sense another symbiote...> <What!?> You hopped out of the van, brushing your hair out of your face. You glanced over to Eddie and smiled, happy to see him. "Eddie!" You cheered, smiling, looking like a child. Daniel held his gun up to you and growled. "How the hell did you manage to get back here!?" You crossed your arms and glared at him. "Turns out, you shouldn't have watched me. I made Greg Smith talk once I threatened his life. I guess you don't train agents as well as you used to." You cracked your neck and Daniel put his finger on the trigger. You tilted your head, putting your own finger under your head and looking stumped. "Oh my, you really have me at my wits end..." You said in a sarcastic voice. Daniel was sweating, scared, catching onto your voice. "Why are you so calm and sarcastic? I could kill you with the pull of my finger...why is it that I have a feeling you're hiding something?" Daniel's phone buzzed for a minute before going to voicemail. The loud and long beep filled the entire room with anxiety. The phone clicked into the voicemail and the man spoke. "Sir! Our symbiote, its stolen! She bonded with it and she's coming for the other one!" Daniel froze, his color draining from his body. The phone beeped off, sending chills down Eddie's spine. "No way..." Eddie muttered. <She...merged with a symbiote?> You smirked and pointed to Daniel. "I take it you know why I'm here?" You asked in a cocky tone of voice. Daniel was pale, the color of white. He was shaking, his mouth barley able to move. "You...what...a-are you?" You starred at him for a good thirty seconds, absorbing the silence in the room. You felt something move inside of you and you smirked, having an evil gleam in your eyes. "We are Vanquish!"

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