Into the Venom

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You had just bought a huge box of tatter tots, which you knew was Venom's favorite snack. This was a house warming gift for Eddie and Venom well, more for Venom, but it's the thought that counts. You licked your lips, staring down at it as your stomach growled. (Hrmm! I know it's for Venom, but I'm so hungry!!!) You sighed because you hadn't eaten since you got on the subway to get here, which was like two hours ago. You bit your lip and looked up from the huge box, starring down the rows of doors. (If I ever want to eat, I guess I better get to Eddie's apartment. Let's see number was it again?) You picked up your phone and looked at the text message Eddie sent you. Eddie just got a new apartment, since Venom destroyed the last one, so you didn't know which room it was in. Then, you could sense something was nearby, like someone was stalking you. You looked behind you and saw no one, you scanned over the area one more time before turning around to your phone. You turned back around and froze when you saw black goo slid down your phone. Your hand shook, and you gulped down hard, slowly pulling your head back to look up. On the ceiling, was a black blob with two white narrow eyes. He pulled the corners of his mouth up and licked his lips. "Are those for me?" He asked you. "Yes." You answered, puffing your cheeks out, ticked that he ruined the surprise. Venom let out a low chuckled and slid off the ceiling and onto you. He lost a little bit of balance at first, but you pulled him up onto your shoulder. "Eddie knows you're with me?" You asked him, looking for security cameras. "If you're looking for security cameras, you won't find them. We thought through that already." You snickered and raised and eyebrow. "And by we you mean Eddie?" You laughed. "You take me for a fool sometimes." Venom muttered, looking away. "Do you blame me?" You giggled. Venom simmered down on your shoulder, making a hissing sound. This meant that he was beyond mad and he could only express this emotion towards someone he liked, without biting their head off. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry. Come on, let's go see Eddie." You walked down the hallway and Venom rubbed against your neck, like a cat, causing you to blush. "No Venom." You growled, knowing what he wanted. "Why not!? We are hungry!" Venom protested. "You are, not me!" As soon as the words left your mouth, your stomach growled very loudly. You looked at your feet, blushing like a rose. Venom snickered and wrapped around your neck. "Are you sure, baby? It will be quick, I won't take to long." You growled and ripped Venom off your neck and set him back on your shoulder. "No means no, and don't call me baby. You know how I feel about that. On top of that, Eddie's your host, I won't be one as well." You growled. Venom knew not to push it with you and he simmered down into a flat blob. "Fine..." He said. "Besides, we're here!" You knocked on the door and you heard Eddie call out to you. "Come in!" You opened the door and Venom pounced off of your shoulder and onto Eddie's face. "Wahhhhh! Venom!!!" Eddie screamed, trying to pull Venom off his face. Eddie was stumbling around like an idiot, causing you to burst out laughing. You pointed at Eddie, laughing hysterically and encouraged Venom to continue. "(Y/n), stop laughing! You're making it worse!" Eddie growled. You grabbed ahold of yourself and wiped the tears out of your eyes. "Sorry, sorry." You closed the door and set down the box of tatter tots. Venom instantly stopped and looked at the box mesmerized. "Eddie..." "Please get off my face, Venom." Eddie responded, not knowing that you brought tatter tots. "We are hungry!" Venom yanked Eddie to the table and caused Eddie to hit his head on the counter, because Venom was still attached to Eddie's face. Eddie yelped and pulled back, taking Venom away from the box. "Venom..." Eddie growled, steaming mad. Venom slithered down to Eddie arm and ate the box of tatter tots happily. "Damn hog." He muttered. You walked up to Eddie and he looked at you, puzzled. "Hmm? Something on my face?" He asked you. "No..." You held his chin and made him grow red. Eddie's heart raced and his mind was going crazy with thoughts. Venom must have felt the sudden spike of heat in Eddie's body because he stopped eating to watch. "What are you doing?" Eddie asked, reaching to take your hand away. You smacked his hand away and tilted his head to the side, revealing a cut. "You're cut." "Huh?" "Didn't you feel how hard Venom hit your head on the table?" You asked Eddie, pointing to it. Eddie shrugged and rubbed his neck. "So, what if I do? Venom will heal it." Eddie blew it off, as usual. You pouted and slammed your foot down. "Its always Venom who heals you now, Eddie! Can't it go back to old times, when I used to bandage you up?!" You screamed at him, making him and Venom scared. "You never let me act like a friend, all you do is let Venom do it! For once, as your friend Eddie, let me help you!" You screamed, crossing your arms and facing away from him. Ever since Eddie got Venom, you have felt left out in all the fun. You had lots of fun with Eddie when you were kids, but now, Venom is all he needs. That thought gets under your skin because you used to help Eddie all the time, that's why you're friends. You heard Eddie whisper, something to Venom and Venom whispered back. "Ok, ok, I'll let you heal me." Eddie said, in an exaggerated groan. You grew a big smile on your face and threw yourself into Eddie's arms. "Gahhh! (Y/n)!" Eddie yelled, getting hot, barley being able to control your sudden burst of energy. Venom moved onto Eddie's head, that way he could see you, and purred. "What are you purring for you big guy?" Eddie growled as you squeezed him to death. "You two make me laugh..." Venom replied. Eddie mumbled something under his breath and you walked into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. You walked back out and set Eddie down on his couch. You opened the box up and took out a little band-aid. Eddie rolled his eyes at you, clearly not amused. "Why do I have to do this again?" Eddie frowned. You growled but then smirked. "Venom?" You asked him. Venom read your mind and grinned, nodding. "With pleasure!" Venom shot at Eddie's hand and chomped down on it. "Ow, Venom!" Eddie growled, taring his hand away from Venom's mouth. Venom licked the blood off his teeth and grinded. "I had no control of myself, Eddie. It was (Y/n) who did it." He smirked. "Bastard!" Eddie hissed. Venom flicked his tongue and growled at him. "Hey, hey you two, enough." You warned them. Both of them looked at you, then each other, and looked at you again. They both slouched over and groaned, not wanting to get you upset. "Fine..." You smiled and hummed a tune while wrapping Eddie's hand with some bandages. Eddie recognized the tune, it was the same one you always sang to and played to as a kid. Eddie would chime in with you sometimes, but now that he has Venom, that option is gone. Venom seemed to like the tune, he slowly swayed to the beat that you hummed. Eddie saw Venom dance and he snickered. <Shut up! Don't make her mad!> Eddie rolled his eyes at Venom and scoffed. <Wouldn't think twice about it...> You tightly pulled the ends of the bandage together and Eddie winced with pain. "Baby." You said. Eddie pouted and snarled. "I am not." He said. "Are to, you still wince whenever I do that, just like when we were kids." You laughed. Venom looked at Eddie, who was blushing and starting to sweat a little. "Eddie, why does your body temperature keep rising every time (Y/n) laughs?" He asked. "Venom, I'm just mad at the moment because (Y/n) keeps teasing me." Eddie explained to him. "Hmph! I could play the devil's advocate, but I think I'll leave it at that for now." You grabbed another band-aid, giggling, and set it on Eddie forehead where he got cut. When you pressed the band-aid down, you looked at Eddie. You both looked straight at each other, both wondering what the other was thinking of. For you, you thought he looked tried and restless, or maybe even annoyed. He never did change from when he was a kid, that's why you stuck around him all these years. You cleared your throat and leaned back away from Eddie. "I umm...I should probably get going now...I have a long ride on the subway." You said, trying to avoid the awkward moment you just had. "Subway!?" Venom perked up to the sound of food. "No Venom, the subway is an underground train that people take so they can get from one place to another." Eddie explained, putting his face into his palm. You giggled, and Eddie shivered, while groaning. "Huh? You ok Eddie?" You reached out to touch him, but he swatted your hand away. "I'm fine." He lied to you, covering his face with both hands. You looked over at Venom, who was trying to figure out what was wrong with Eddie. You scooted over to Eddie and started to rub his back. He got tense at first, not wanting your sympathy, but then he slowly grew used to it. "Eddie, I'm here for you. You know that right?" Eddie sighed heavily, and Venom scoffed, shoving Eddie into your lap. "Venom!" Eddie grinded through his teeth. Venom barred his fangs at Eddie and you slowly pet Eddie's head, knowing how much he loved it as a kid. Eddie's eyes grew wide, not believing that he was being so soft in front of Venom. He slowly became relaxed and nuzzled closer into you, making tired moans as he stretched out. "Hmm..." Venom was studying Eddie's behavior and tilted his head. "Why?" He simply asked you. "Heheh! When Eddie and I were kids, Eddie would have a hard time getting to sleep at night. So, I would pet his head to help him go to sleep." You explained. "It doesn't work that well." Eddie grumbled, trying to protect his dignity. "You lie horribly." You snickered. "I get it from you." Eddie fired back. Venom watched you pet Eddie's head and he made a kind of gurgling sound, indicating he was curious. Venom slithered over Eddie's shoulder, to his head and looked up at you. "We would like to be petted." He stated. "Hmm? You do?" You asked him. "No, he doesn't." Eddie pulled your hand away from Venom and held it under his head. "Eddie!" Venom growled. "Mine!" Eddie growled. You rolled your eyes and took your hand out from under Eddie's head. "Venom, come to my right side." You said. Venom blinked his eyes twice and reached over to your right side, sitting there. Even though Venom is not able to go to far from Eddie because Eddie is Venom's host, Venom can do it for small periods of time. But this causes lots of stress on Venom, and once he merges with Eddie again, the pain is inflicted on him as well. You pet both their heads, enjoying hearing both of them purr. You giggled and looked down at Eddie, who was fast asleep on your lap. (Heh! I didn't even need to sing...) You looked over at Venom, who was wide awake, enjoying his attention. "Pst! Venom!" You whispered to him. Venom cracked open one eye and groaned. "What? We are tired." Venom said. "Could you please pick Eddie up for me?" You asked him. "Ugh...fine..." Venom slid over to Eddie and pushed up under his body, sliding his body off onto the rest of the couch. "Heh! Thanks Venom!" You leaned down to Eddie, brushing his hair out of his face and giggled. "Sleep well Eddie." You grabbed the first aid kit and put it away. You walked back out to Venom, who was look at you with puppy dog eyes. "Leaving?" He asked you. "Yes, I'll be back tomorrow." You said. "We are Venom?" Venom asked, tilting his head to the side. You smiled, nodding. "We are Venom. We are friends." You left with that and shut the door. Venom pondered on the thought, turning to Eddie, and thought for a moment. (We...are friends...?)

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