Getting even (Part Two)

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Eddie, Venom, and Daniel were shocked in total disbelief. The amount of shock was like poison, easily spread and grown. You smiled, holding your chin. "Yeah, we are Vanquish, I like saying that." You smiled evilly, wiping your tongue around before frowning. " did you manage to bond with it? Everyone that I have exposed it to had died!" Daniel screamed in rage. "That's the thing with you, Daniel, these symbiotes are not some test subjects. They have feelings, needs, wants, and desires. As for us...we just so happen to want you dead." You smiled, insane. <Has she lost it?> Venom asked, concerned. "(Y/n)..." Daniel smirked and regained his poise. "What about your fear of it being inside of you? Doesn't it want to kill you, eat all your insides?" You crossed your arms and frowned. "Yeah, its true. I might not feel comfortable in my own skin any more. Hell, I might not be able to recognize the person staring back at me in the mirror, but if that's what it means to save my friends and kill you...I wish I would have thought of this days ago." Daniel froze, dropping his gun. The gun clattered against the floor leaving it dead silent. A gentle breeze flowed through your hair and you felt him awaken inside of you. " ready for this?" You asked him. A sudden power swelled inside of you, causing you to smile insanely. <Indeed, let this bloodbath be a small compliment to all those bodies I had to discard.> A low, raspy, and solemn voice responded to you. "Heh! I like the way you think! Daniel Herring, your death is upon you!" You yelled, letting the dark blue slime crawl over your skin, engulfing your body. The dark blue slime warped around your face, growing huge fangs. You started to grow, your shoulders becoming broad and narrow. The symbiote was making your whole-body structure change drastically. It was like an angel was slowly being transformed into its true will and desire. The full transformation was stunning, you looked exactly like Venom, but dark blue. Its eye's narrowed and the corner of its mouth pulled up to the side. "We are Vanquish and we are your demise." Vanquish shot his arm at Daniel and grabbed him by the throat, bringing him close to you and Vanquish. "You kept us locked up in that cell, locked up with that dreaded specimen you call a human." He growled. Daniel was frozen in fear not able to move or speak. <How the hell!?> <I would have never imagined (Y/n) would go this far to save us...> Venom said. <She's as crazy as you, it doesn't surprise me...> Eddie said. Venom let those words sink into his mind and he fell silent. Vanquish snickered and absorbed Daniel's terrified expression. "But now that I was given a chance by this girl, I shall slaughter you in your own blood." Vanquish growled. Daniel suddenly started to laugh very slow and then broke out into a hysterical laughter. Vanquish barred his fangs and choked Daniel tighter around his throat. "What's so funny? Is your death really that amusing to you?" Daniel dug through his pocket and took out his cell phone, clicking it onto speaker. Vanquish glanced down at it and frowned. <Vanquish, what is he doing?> You asked. <I don't know...> Daniel grinned and coughed out blood before speaking. "You bastard parasite! Did you really think I would let myself die here like this?" Vanquish growled and Eddie groaned, staggering to his feet, panting. <Eddie!? Why are you getting up!? We're too weak to move!> Venom screamed. "Venom...let's go..." Eddie said in a weak and trembling voice. Venom read his mind, looking at the van and nodding. <Right.> Vanquish spotted Eddie and scoffed. "We suggest you stand down, this is our kill." He warned. "Well, that's our friend." Eddie countered. "Talk all you want your efforts will be for nothing." Daniel clicked the button and Vanquish roared, letting him go. Vanquish started to shake, screaming in pain as he held his head. The silent sound was streaking through Vanquish's and your ears, hurting you both. "What's wrong with him?" Eddie asked. <Idiot, symbiotes are weak to high pitch noises! However, the pitch and tone vary for each symbiote, that's why we aren't affected!> Vanquish quickly shot into your body and you cringed, holding your ears. You screamed at the top of your lungs, feeling like a sword was being pushed through your ears and head. Every muscle that was once operational was now shutting down, begging for the noise to stop. Vanquish was slowly losing his grip on you, wanting to make the noise and pain stop. "(Y/n)!" Vanquish and you suddenly split, shooting each other across the room. You hit your head on the wall and slid down, moaning. Vanquish wormed around in pain, trying to stop the noise. "Not so strong without your host, huh?" Daniel laughed. "Enough!" Daniel turned his attention to Eddie, who's arm suddenly turned black and extended his arm out to him. Venom's arm grabbed the phone and crushed it in his hand, letting the pieces fall. Eddie smirked and retracted his arm, letting it return to normal. Daniel growled, noticing Vanquish was inching his way back to you. "You persistent parasite!" Daniel snatched his gun off the ground and pointed it at Vanquish. Daniel was about to squeeze the trigger, but he heard something pop open. He thrashed around to Eddie, who was letting all the gasoline and fumes pour out of the van. "What are you...?" Venom made himself Eddie's arm and punched the van's side, pulling out two wires. Eddie smirked as Venom slipped back into his body. <Ready?> Eddie asked. <Do it, before he gets any ideas.> Venom warned. "Right." "What do you plan on doing?" Daniel asked, scanning over all the gasoline on the ground. Vanquish slithered up your leg and entered your body, resting. Eddie grinned and held the two wire heads close to each other, the golden plated tips nearly touching its other half. "You know...I learned something when I was screwing around with an electric box...that a positive and negative make a spark!" He grinned and let the two wires tap one another, setting the gasoline and gas fumes in the air on fire. The fire was quick and explosive, ready to ignite with anything it could. Quick and efficiently, the fire spread on the floor and through the air. Daniel was stunned by the sudden reaction and was engulfed by the flames. Venom hated fire as much as the next symbiote and pulled Eddie along. "Do it Venom!" Eddie ordered. <With pleasure.> Venom said, turning Eddie into Venom. Venom leaped down to you and picked you up, making sure you were secured in his arms. Your eyes twitched as blood rolled off your pale lips. (Please be ok...) Venom growled and blasted through the wall, crashing into the streets. Unfortunately, the streets were as busy as ever and tons of people screamed in fear of both the flaming building and large monster. The building started to collapse, falling into flames and ashes. Venom groaned and quickly shot into the air, making sure no one would be able to get a good look at him. Venom and Eddie's body throbbed in pain with the chemicals effects still lingering in their blood stream. Venom's vision started to go fuzzy as he ran faster. He shook his head and growled, jumping onto the roof of Eddie's apartment building. Venom gently set you on the ground and collapsed, reverting back into Eddie. Eddie gasped for air as he panted. <Eddie...we are sorry...we couldn't...> Eddie smiled weakly and giggled. "Its ok Venom, she's far away from him, that's all I care about." Eddie slowly got up, wobbling and struggling to stand. Eddie pulled you over his shoulder and carried you down to his apartment. He opened the door and Venom shut it behind him. Eddie set you down in the guest bed and flopped down on a floor, out of breath. < should rest...> Without hesitation or will power Eddie's eyes closed, and he fell asleep. Your breathing was growing sharp and frantic for air, almost like you were being choked. Vanquish suddenly calmed you down by letting your lungs expand with more ease, sending you into a better state of mind. Venom growled as he emerged from Eddie's body. "Vanquish, that's your name, right?" Vanquish came out to the sound of another symbiote and nodded. "Correct, I am him." "Who are you? I thought I was the only symbiote alive." "Not necessarily...I am a symbiote like you, however, we are different." "No shit." Venom snorted. "In regard to my actions, it was what the girl wanted me to do." Venom flicked his tongue and made a low hiss sound. "Her name is (Y/n)." Vanquish nodded and laid down on your stomach, closing his huge white eyes. "I should rest, after all, we need to heal for our next encounter with Daniel." "No, you have to many questions to answer for me." Venom said. Vanquish lifted his head up, opening his eyes and tilting his head. "Oh, do I now?" He challenged. "Don't play smart with me, Vanquish!" Venom growled. "I suppose I should play along, after all, both of our hosts are in a world of I wrong?" Venom frowned, knowing that you and Eddie would both be having nightmares for the next couple of months, regardless of what him and Vanquish could do to help. "Where should I begin?" Vanquish asked. "From the beginning, how did you get here and how did you meet (Y/n)?" Venom asked. Vanquish thought for a moment and relaxed back down on your body. "I came from...well...I am honestly unsure of where I came from. I woke up to a strange man named Daniel Herring. At the time, he seemed promising, he told me he would give me a host and food. As time dragged on, he slowly started to do tests on me and use me in ways I do not even want to recall. I alone, was trapped inside that cell for countless years, building an immunity to some of the chemicals I was exposed to." Vanquish explained. "That's why you didn't hurt (Y/n) around the fire, you built up a tolerance against it." "Correct, however, I did not expect to meet (Y/n) the way I did. It was very inviting yet, strange."

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