A game of fetch

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Midnight, the perfect time for a hunt. The night makes a very nice friend when it comes to a hunt, it is an enemy, but it is more entertaining. Venom would agree to those terms any day because he came up with that saying himself. Venom was perched up on a building, looking down at all the people and different things. Venom flicked his tongue out, whipping it around, almost like a tail. "Hehe! So many snacks, yet so little time to eat." Venom said, letting his slobber slip off his tongue. <Forget that Venom, come on! Let's look for (Y/n)!> Venom got up, groaning. "Yes, yes, we know. However, keep in mind I am not a dog." Venom pounced, leaping from building to building, trying to find you. Venom didn't even know where to start looking for you, it's not like he could sense you or anything. <Urgh! At this rate, it will take forever to find her!> <Can't you smell her or something?> Eddie asked. Venom stopped, looking down at the streets. "No, does it look like I have a nose?" Venom remarked. <I never asked if you did.> Eddie muttered. "In any event, where would (Y/n) be?" Venom asked, hopping to the next building. "Umm...lets try her house." Venom scoffed, shaking his head, slowing down enough so Eddie could hear him clearly. "Eddie, do you really think she would be home? She went through all that effort to try and hint that we have to find her." <And how's that working out for you?> Venom growled, slurping his tongue back into his mouth. "Shut up, pussy." Venom looked down and jumped past two buildings. <Hey! I am not a pussy!> Eddie roared. "I suggest you shut up, we can't think with all your babbling." Venom groaned, pouncing to another ledge. <Fine, just find her.> Eddie sighed, feeling useless. Venom could feel Eddie's self-doubt and he paused, sitting on the edge of a building. "Look, I know you want to find her, so do I. But don't feel useless, its not in your nature." Venom said, leaping onto the next building, seeing a little town lit up with lights. <Its hard to not feel that way.> Eddie sighed. <I mean, you're the one who's doing all the work...I'm just the host.> Venom paused and stood at the building's edge. "Eddie..." Venom trailed off and thought before he spoke. "I suppose anyone would feel that way, buts that's human nature, correct?" Venom blasted himself off the ground and into the air. <I guess it is.> Eddie said, unsure. "If you were useless, you wouldn't have a beautiful friend like (Y/n). Knowing her, she would have grown tired of you within minutes." Venom chuckled. Eddie frowned, not amused. <Thanks for the confidence lifter, Venom.> "You're welcome!" Venom smirked, crashing into the ground with a big bang. Dust kicked off the ground, shooting parts of it everywhere. The concrete crumbled under the impact and Venom rolled his neck, starring at all the lights in the little city. <Venom! Hide dammit!> Venom quickly jumped up on top of a building and he looked around. "Hrmm..." <What was that for!? Are you trying to get us killed!?> Eddie screamed. "Calm down, I won't get us killed! You worry to much." Venom grinded through his teeth, sneaking over to one of the small stores. <Yeah right, only god knows if that black suit fucker is still following (Y/n) or us.> Eddie said. Venom nodded, looking down at the black window. "Heh! I think we found our prize..." Venom reverted back to Eddie and he shook his head. <You do the rest, we can't slip through the cracks of the window.> Venom said. "And you think I can!?" Eddie asked, practically yelling. <Shut up! I suggest you brake in or something.> "Does it look like I need to give that guy any more of a reason to follow me and (Y/n)!?" Eddie growled, barring his teeth. <Fine, I guess I have to do everything myself.> Venom yanked Eddie down onto the ground and looked at the door. "Locked." Eddie confirmed, shaking the firm door handle. <I guess this is where we come in?> Venom made himself become Eddie's arm, forcing the end of his claw to become a small pick. "Huh?" Eddie questioned. <Trust me.> Venom stuck his finger in the lock hole, trying to mold his finger to the outline of the lock. Sure enough, Venom turned the lock, grinning. <There, we're in.> Eddie walked in and closed the door, locking it. <You know, that lock didn't work very well.> Venom said. "Yeah well not every person in the world has a symbiote." Eddie replied, making Venom frown. <Smart ass...> Eddie looked around the store, recognizing the little knickknacks on the shelves and window sill. <What an odd place for (Y/n) to be in...> Venom noted. "No...this place...I know this place. It's that store that old guy owned, heh! I can't believe she came here!" Eddie started to remember all the good and bad times he had with you here. He snickered, and Venom sighed, pushing Eddie forward. "Wahh!" <Come on! (Y/n) needs us!> Venom hissed, getting on Eddie's last nerve. "Fine! Fine!" Eddie crept upstairs, being careful to not make one of the loose floor boards creek under his weight. Eddie got to the top and saw the open kitchen, to his right would be the bedroom hallway. He looked down the hallway, seeing the last door cracked open. <She's in there, try not to wake her up.> Venom warned Eddie as he got closer to the door. Eddie held his breath, slowly opening the door. He opened it to a nicely made bed, with your stuff sitting right next to it. Your phone was gently placed on a little table next to the bed, charging. "(Y/n)?" Eddie called out, hoping to hear a reply. Eddie stepped in and Venom felt something behind them. <Behind you!> Venom suddenly screamed. "Huh!?" Eddie was knocked on the floor, arms pulled behind his back and knife against his head. The figure set their foot on his back, and Eddie growled, not being able to move. "Back for more?" The figure hissed. Eddie let droplet of sweat roll off his cheek. "Wh-what!?" Eddie screamed, trying to look at who was on top of him. Venom saw the figure and smelled a reassuring scent. He jumped out of Eddie's back and grinned at you. "(Y/n)!" Venom cheered. You gasped, letting Eddie go, growling in anger. "What the hell are you doing here this late at night!? Oh god, I probably woke Mr. Lee up...why are you snooping around in here!?" You groaned, holding your head. Eddie grabbed the knife from your hand and grunted. "Nice to see you to. Now, tell me everything, starting from when you left my house."

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