Chapter #1

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Mika's POV:

" Mika I swear if you're late again it's over" your best friend Min Yoongi said as you hurried into the car.

"Please Yoongi I love you don't break up with me" you faked a cry and started to laugh as you joked around. This was the usually schedule, he takes you to school then takes you home.
Since you didn't pass your drivers test your Dad didn't get you a car, boohoo I know right?

"I have to pick up the others, and stop flirting with Jimin you know how he gets."
You started to laugh at the thought of you and Jimin hooking up, he isn't your type anyway.

"Yoongi come on Jimin?" He cocked his head to the side and looked at you with curiosity, "hey watch the road man, "I don't wanna die before my birthday!" You flicked his forehead as you guys pulled into Jungkook's driveway.

As you guys waited you started to pick at your skirt, you thought about seeing him again once you got to school, does he even still go there? Did he change his hair color again? Is he still the same charismatic and derpy guy I liked since freshman year?
As you were thinking Jungkook snapped you out of your thoughts.
"Hey nice skirt Mika especially with those le- before he could finish Yoongi turned on the radio, Shawn Mendes was playing "It isn't in my bloooooood" I screamed out as we sped down the street towards Hoseok's place.

"Hey I have a question" Yoongi looked in his rear view mirror and replied "what do you wanna know?" The moment he said that I thought about him, should I ask?
"Never mind" I was afraid to ask to be honest and I knew if I asked something about him Yoongi would get all dismissive and try to avoid the question.

As we get the others we head to the school, I was nervous as hell and I kept picking at my skirt. I wanted to look cute just in case I run into him "Oh Jimin!" I sang out as I ran towards him, I seen Yoongi roll his eyes but it was funny to annoy him.
"Yoongi calm down did you have your coffee today?" He face palms and sighs in annoyance, "no Mika I couldn't because we were running a lil late because of what?" He looks at me hoping for a answer " I was picking out my outfit " I spun around, isn't it cute?"
He turns around as we go into the school's cafeteria "you owe me so I'll be waiting at the table for my espresso with three shots!" I start to mock him, as I go into the line. As I'm waiting  I see something familiar that catches my eye.

A little strawberry charm bracelet hanging off of a backpack, and I get a hint of Deja Vu.
As I get closer and closer towards the coffee stop I feel like a whole hour has passed seriously how many people need coffee the day just started. "Mika could you get me a banana milk too?!" I see Jungkook run next to me, "you have money why do I have to buy it?" He starts to whine and I groan in annoyance, because I don't wanna wait all the way back there, he gestured towards the long line, it's the first day back and I'm already getting stressed.

"Okay just this one time, then you have to buy me something next time" he nods in approval as we go towards our usual table.
As I buy our drinks I make my way towards our table which consists of; Jhope, Jimin, Jin, Namjoon,Yoongi, and Jungkook and of course myself.
Then all of a sudden someone bumps into me and I trip over my feet, and as I'm falling the hot coffee spills all over my new outfit and I hit the floor.
"Mika!" Jin runs towards me in a big pink sweater, as I get up I realize I hurt my knee.
"Wow first day and I'm already fucked up" I search for my phone as I pat down my pocket, "Yoongi call my phone" I start to panic my phone is my everything *Jimins voice* and as Yoongi calls my phone I hope to hear it ring.
One out of two things just happened, someone stole my phone, or I left it at home but I don't think I did so that's out of the equation.

"Come on Mika it's okay I'll buy you another one" Jin offers, thanks but no thanks.
I try to smile through this little panic attack I'm having but I'm just having a fucked up day first hot coffee gets spilled on me, I hit my knee on the hard ass floor, and my phone is missing in action.
As I'm searching under the tables and every possible place for my phone I see something under the table, a strawberry charm bracelet.
Bulls eye I think I know who has my phone and if I'm right I'm about to raise some hell.
"I don't care if I have to kick some ass to get my phone back, I'm getting it back or so help me God" we're all walking down the hall to first period hoping we catch him again.

"Mika come on is it really that serious, if your phoneless just buy a phone" Jungkook looks at me as I try not to kick him in his face.
"Namjoon why is he so slow?"
As we walk into first period I sit in the back where I'm more comfortable with, I pull out the bracelet I found earlier and spin it around my finger, I hope who over took my phone they have health insurance cause oh man.

"Excuse me" I hear a deep voice say.
"Excuse me" I hear the voice again, and turn around to the source of it.
"Yes?" When I turn around I meet his eyes, these unique brown eyes, and when I take in his whole face I immediately panic.

"Taehyung?" His eyes widen as he tries to find words to say "M-mika?"
Oh my gosh it's him and apparently he's the one who bumped into me by the coffee stain he has on his jacket.
"Why do you have my bracelet?" He asks me in the most deepest voice and all I can say is "you jerk" I know for a fact that he remembers me and he's acting like a deer in headlights.

"You're the one who bumped into me, and you can't even say sorry?" I started to get pissed off, he didn't even help me but he wants his bracelet back?
Ha he was one funny character just like when we were in middle school.

"If you want this back" I gesture at the bracelet in my hand you have to help me find my phone, because if you had never bumped into me I wouldn't have lost my phone!"
As soon as a yell out the last part he smirks and licks his lips "oh your phone?" He pulls out my phone from his pocket and waves it around.

"I'll give you your phone on one condition"
And those next words were a certain change in my day.

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