Chapter #5

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I looked at my phone and answered it, "hey there my sweet Mika, how are you today?" His voice was so malicious, and it made me rethink why I ever fell for him.
I know what your thinking why does he keep messing with me? We use to be a thing in freshman year, it wasn't like girl friend or boy friend but I enjoyed it.
But now I feel like it's not the same Taehyung he's more harsh and dismissive, I don't think I could ever like him the way I did when I was younger.

"H-h-hello?" I struggled with my words I wasn't planning on talking to him any time soon after the shit he pulled. "Oh Mika I miss you, ever since freshman year you're always on my mind, you know if you want we could be a real couple now, you're good looking I'm good looking what's there to lose, I even brought you something."
I was curious for a moment, what could he have brought me? Why was I still on the phone with him? Man what's wrong with me. I continued to stay silent hoping he would end the call, but he stayed on the other line just hearing my shallow breaths.
"Oh Mika say something I'm sorry for what happened earlier I'm sorry I really am, and I'm also sorry you had to see me covered in blood too but maybe if you see my after school tomorrow I'll tell you every thing.
I didn't really want to hang out with him, I didn't wanna hear some story on why he's been acting weird to be honest I wanted to be far away from him if anything.
"Okay Taehyung look I'll meet up with you and you can tell your little story, but if you try anything your gonna wish you never met me." I tried to sound tough but on the inside I was scared, what would he have to tell me?
"Deal, and make sure you don't tell your little friend Yoongi, you know how he gets" his words sparked curiosity and I was tempted to ask what he meant but before I could he ended the call.
Rude much? After he hung up the only thing on my mind was how was tomorrow gonna go another bad day or will my outfit and mood be in tip top shape. And what was going on with Taehyung. As I tried to push those thoughts towards the back of my mind I went to prepare my outfit for tomorrow I picked out two options.

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I felt like I needed help picking one so I ended up face timing Jin, it took him a whole minute to answer and he looked like he got hit by a tornado

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I felt like I needed help picking one so I ended up face timing Jin, it took him a whole minute to answer and he looked like he got hit by a tornado. "Jin before you say anything what's that stuff on your check?" I cocked my head to the side and he panics and wipes it off "I was cooking and some milk splashed on me."
He really thought I was dumb so I ended up texting Namjoon waiting to hear the notification," what do you need help with?" I paused for a moment until I heard a ding "ha you were fucking!" I screamed through the phone and Jin looks like he had got caught stealing "Oh shutup you haven't gotten any action since Taehyung" everything was silent until I heard Joon in the background laughing "speaking of which I seen him at the bakery earlier, I wonder what he was buying" That statement kind of sparked my curiosity again from when Taehyung had said he brought me something, Jin was just getting off topic until I told him to help me pick my outfit.
"The real question is why do you even need help you always look good" Jin then said waiting for my response "well I'm supposed to be meeting someone after school" Jin clasped his hands together and started to tease me "ouuu who is it Mika, is it Jungkook?" As soon as he said that I got confused what did he mean by is it Jungkook?" Does Jungkook like me or something I mean he's like a brother to me, "Jin what are you talking about?" Just when I thought I was gonna get a reply Jin starts to panic and says he has to go.
Another person hung up on me, I ended up picking the all black outfit I'm feeling a little rebellious.
But I still wondered what Jin meant about Jungkook, was he gonna confess tomorrow? Should I be worried?
Too much was happening today and I felt completely drained and to add to that I forgot everyone was supposed to be coming over for a sleepover, as I got ready and found my pajamas

 But I still wondered what Jin meant about Jungkook, was he gonna confess tomorrow? Should I be worried? Too much was happening today and I felt completely drained and to add to that I forgot everyone was supposed to be coming over for a sleepover...

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As I waited for 7 to come I ended up watching YouTube videos on hair tutorials, I needed to do my hair anyway.
Just when I halfway done with my video Yoongi called me "I'm a block away have the door open, oh and I got you some cookie dough ice cream" then he hung up. I swear one more time I'm gonna not even answer my phone.
I waited for a few minutes then heard my door open "Mika were here!" Hoseok started to scream as soon as he came in, I made my way downstairs after I heard them coming in, "Mika I like your PJ's" Jimin commented softly. Everyone was nice and snug as everyone got situated "and Jin you really thought you could just hang up on me and show up like nothing happened?" I waited for his reply but Namjoon beat me to it "look I had slipped in the shower and Jin had to save me" everyone started to laugh and I had noticed Jungkook didnt come.
"Where's Jungkook?" I was a little disappointed he didn't come, "he said he had homework" Yoongi spoke up, and started to play on his phone.
"Well you guys since it's a sleep over what about playing truth or dare?" When those words left my mouth I knew I would regret it later on but what's a sleepover with a little mischief.
As soon as Jimin was dared the night was already taking a drastic turn.

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