Chapter #12

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"Well it was nice to see Jungkook was okay wasn't baby?" He turns up the radio once he hears that I don't answer him, I was so scared that I felt as if the air got knocked out of my lungs.
"Well I should tell you this now Mika so here goes, I might not be at school for a couple of days because my mom is coming to see me.
He turns once we make it onto my block "so don't miss me too much okay?"
I turn my head towards him and smile, had to play it off so he wouldn't suspect anything.
"Tae baby you know I'll miss you so, but it'll be good to see your mom again" I put my hand on his thigh as he parked into my driveway, I was so disgusted that he could do something like this, now I might have a clue as to why he was bloody that day.
"Well baby just know I'll do anything for you even if it means hurting someone who hurt you" as soon as he says that it all clicks together, he only hurt Jungkook because he started a rumor about me, but the question it who will he try to hurt next.
As I go into the house I see Tae back up and drive off, then I lock every window and door in my house can't be too careless with a possible murderer on the lose, I might have to call up the others to let them know.

Once I get everything locked up I go and take a shower, as the water runs over me I can't help but think about Jungkook he must be traumatized, Tae was his friend and he almost got murdered by him.

When I'm out of the shower I put on a few tunes and start to get ready for bed, I plug my phone up into my speaker and blast my favorite song.

"I got new rules I got em!" As I start to dance around my phone starts to ring, it was Yoongi again hopefully he can help me out with this Taehyung thing.

"Hello Mika?"
"Yeah Yoongi what's up?"
"Can I come over real quick, I'm already in the neighborhood"
I bite my lip because last time we spoke was the day he fought Tae, but he's my best friend after all.

"Yeah sure, lemme know when you're close"
"Will do see you in a min"
I heard the hang up tone and finished getting ready, then my phone went off again signaling me I had a text coming through, it was Taehyung and when I read it I completely broke down.

Tae- you shouldn't have found out so soon, now I have to get rid of your friend Yoongi too.

I dropped my phone and ran towards the door once I heard the doorbell "hurry Yoongi get in" I slammed the door shut once he rushed in, I was on edge and I had to protect Yoongi he was my only hope of stopping Taehyung.

"So you know too, and you're still with him?"
I gave him a blank look, and told him my plans of catching Taehyung in the act.

"Ok I think I get it now, so you pretend that you still like Taehyung gain his trust and see if he tells you what he did?" He cocks one brow up "are you sure this will work, I mean it's kinda dangerous, you really think you can catch him?
I don't want you to get hurt Mika" his voice gets quiet and it's just silence around us.
"Look Yoongi I'm a smart girl I can handle this, all I have to do is act like he's my only priority, he'll feel moved by the treatment and maybe he'll let up" I repeat in my head that it's going to be okay, because on the inside I sure as hell wasnt okay, I was scared, angry, and also determined to get revenge for everything he's ever done to me or my friends.
As we sit in silence I feel Yoongis hand on my thigh, as he pulls me close and kisses me softly, I kiss him back and I get lost in the moment.
"Just let me touch you once Mika please, I can't handle this any more" he looks me deep in my eyes and all I see is lust.
"Just this once okay?" I say in a low hushed tone, he starts to lay me down on the couch as we get into a heated make out session I hear something fall in the kitchen.
"What was that?" I jump up as I hear dishes falling, oh shit I forgot to lock the back door.
"Don't worry Mika I got this" Yoongi kisses me and slowly inches his way towards the kitchen, I'm so scared, out of all the doors I locked I forgot the back door.
"You okay Yoongi?" I yell out and moments later I hear Yoongi shout back a "Yes!" As I walk towards the kitchen I see Yoongi on the floor, and blood. "What Yoongi what happened are you o- I look down at Yoongis lap and I see a mangled little puppy "oh my god that's Beano!" As I see his body I cry out, no not this why would he kill his own dog, I start to get light headed as I try to catch my breath.

"He must've thrown him through your window" Yoongi says in a monotone voice, he takes his flannel off and wraps Beano's body in it.
"He's gone far enough, we need to report this to the police!" Yoongi shouts out, as I signal him to calm down, I tell him to go and bury the dog and to clean himself up.
I hope Taehyung's prepared for me, he's gonna wish he never came back.

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