Chapter #6

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"So Jimin I dare you to kiss Hoseok" Jin said with a twinkle in his eyes, however Jimin was regretting choosing dare.
"Why isn't Jungkook here again?" Jimin asks again and Yoongi looks up at him with a don't ask look, "actually yeah I wanna know too because last time I checked homework could be done anywhere." as soon as I said that Yoongi blurted out "Well fucking invite him them if it makes you happy!" And darted towards the bathroom.
"What crawled up his ass and died?" Namjoon mumbled, I shook my head again what's with Jimin and all the questions, and to break the silence I volunteered to do a dare because to be honest the sleepover was kinda lame without everyone. And when I mean every one I mean all eight of us hanging out,like the old times but it's like now we're drifting apart Taehyung's acting weird, Jungkook might have a crush on me due to Jin's big mouth, Yoongi's going through his period apparently.

"Well you guys what do you want me to do?" It only took two seconds then Jin tells me to go see if Yoongi's okay first. It's like they're scared of his little ass even though he's so small anyway I get up and make my way to the bathroom, to see what's his problem.
"Yoongs what's wrong can you open the door please?" I knock on the door a few times and I hear the door unlock, "hey Yoongs are y-" before I can finish my damn sentence here's Yoongi shoving me into the wall "Why couldn't you just let it be, you always have to make things hard for me huh?" He says in short breaths "wait whaa Yoongi what's wrong" and bam he fucking kisses me I'm not gonna lie I felt like I was in a fucking movie or something, except for the fact that he was being rough asf like it turned into 50 shades real quick.

"I like you Mika, we've been friends for so long and yet I still couldn't control my feelings, Jungkook isn't here cause I told him not to come, I'm sorry" He looks up at me with sad eyes "Yoongs...... I don't know what t-" he kisses me again and this time I kiss him back, I know I shouldn't be doing this while the guys are still in the next room but come on hot guy in bathroom confessing to you?"
"Sorry Yoongi but I can't" I run out the bathroom with a flustered face and head to my room, yes I know they're all down there but I needed to recollect myself "stupid stupid stupid Mika of course he has feelings for you" I started to blush even more at the thought.
But soon I heard the boys talking down stairs and I couldn't help but eavesdrop "dude what the fuck were you doing in the bathrom?" I hear Hoseok say "Don't worry about it anyway call up Jungkook he mind as well come over I think he's done with his homework" Yoongi says with a rushed tone.
As I sat in my bed thinking, it never came as a thought to me as to why he would be so cold to Jungkook I mean not until now that is, but for sure I would have to make a choice to just stay as friends cause I knew he would want something more down the line.

As I was about to head back downstairs I got a call from Taehyung and yes I answered it "hey Mika we still on for tomorrow I hope you didn't forget, or are you scared of me, there's nothing to be scared of." He keeps saying I'm scared of him like why would I be?
"No I'm not scared of you, if anything I'm.... " I couldn't even finish my sentence, I did have feelings for him once upon a time but it's like now I don't know he intrigues me I guess. It's like I don't want to like him because all of the shit he's done but I can't help but wanna be near him.
"I'll tell you everything you wanna know just promise you'll hang with me tomorrow and don't tell anyone, it's our little secret". Then he just hangs up the phone, all that's running through my mind is how will I convince Yoongi I don't need a ride home, I can't just be like "Oh Yoongi I won't need a ride home because I'm gonna hang out with your use to be friend and my old crush now bye" that doesn't even sound right saying it in my head.

"Mika?" I hear Jin knock on my bedroom door "umm Jungkook's here now are you gonna come down or what, I'll break this door down and drag you" as soon as Jin said that I was already on my way down stairs "and make some more popcorn little Jimin is hungry!"

As I make my way back downstairs I notice Jungkook and Yoongi talking to each other on the couch, weird flex but okay.
I was so confused Yoongi says he doesn't want Jungkook over now he's hanging with him like they are best buds.
"Hey you guys are so lame" Jungkook yawns and walks towards the kitchen "if you missed me you could've just said it Mika don't be shy" Jungkook laughs and wraps a arm around my shoulder "hey Kook wanna see sum cool?" I hear Yoongi's voice and start to panic "please don't do anything weird" I chant in my head.
"Sure in a minute Yoongi, I'm busy talking to Mika" as soon as he says that I see Yoongi get up and walk over to us "I said do you wanna see sum cool?" He says again with a strain in his voice "if you must then I guess" Jungkook unwraps his arm from me and I feel the tension ease up a bit.

"So everyone!" I hear Hoseok's loud voice "is truth or dare still on for I'm getting bored" I finish making the popcorn and everyone is in a circle sitting down "Well since we're all in formation we mind as well" I sit in between Namjoon and Jimin and get a look from Yoongi.
"So where were we oh yeah Mika truth or dare?" Jungkook rubs his palms together and stares at me, "Mika I want you to dance for a whole 30 seconds to no music" I'm sitting there thinking wow that's all so as I'm getting up I started to dance with Tempo by Exo stuck in my head.
"Now it's time for Yoongi's turn, Yoongi truth or dare?" I start to feel uneasy when his turn comes, what will he say?
I see him smirk at me and then he says.....

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