Good Morning

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• Frankie POV •

Zach stayed the night and we cuddled, I woke up to seeing Zach's face.

F- Good morning Zach.

Z- Good morning Frankie.

F- *leans in for a kiss.*

Z- What are you doing?!

F- I was gonna kiss you...

Z- You were about to kiss me! Why were you gonna kiss me?! I told you I'm not gay!

F- But you said last night you were..

Z- No I didn't! What are you talking about?! I'm not gay and I never said that. You're just making all this shit up. I better go.

• Zach POV •

How can frankie claim I told him my sexuality, when I don't even know it myself?! I'm trying to figure this out, it's bringing so much stress on me. I don't remember anything from last night it's all a blur. I don't even know why I was sleeping next to Frankie.

• Frankie POV•

Well that was awkward. I could of sworn he told me that last night. Was that just a dream? I went down stairs to get some cereal when I suddenly remembered what Brittany told me last night. Zach was drunk. That's probably why he doesn't remember that he told me! Wait! Does that mean that he is gay? Or does that mean that he is gay and doesn't remember telling me?! God straight men are very hard to read sometimes, we'll I don't know if he's straight or not but anyways Zach is very hard to read. Zach left already he's probably at his house. I wanted to text him but I was scared.

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