Visiting LA

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• Zach POV •

Ariana and Frankie have came down to Florida 3 times now to visit me, so I thought I should surprise them and visit them. I went to their house and knocked on the door.

Z- Ariana!

A-Zach! I can't believe you're here! I missed you so much! *hugs and doesn't let go*

Z- I wanted it to be a surprise! I missed you too! Peyton can't stop singing you're album.

A- Aw he can definitely get tickets to my concert when I'm back down there in FL!

Z- He's gonna freak out.

A- Let's go eat somewhere

Z- How about In-N-Out? I've never been I've heard it's great.

A- Sure! It's walk distance from my house.

Z- Wow this place is big for a fast food restaurant.

A- I know it's really popular. Get inside quickly the paparazzi is always here.

Z- This is so delicious oh my god.

A- Ya let's get extras so we can have it for dinner for the next day. How long are you staying here?

Z- I'm staying for a week.

A- Okay you can sleep in the guest room at our house.

Z- Okay.

• Frankie POV •

I go downstairs to look for Ariana. I can't find her anywhere. She was just downstairs a couple minutes ago. I go on twitter and a bunch of my followers are sending me a link to some magazine. I opened the link and this is what it said:

Ariana Grande pop star found walking with former big brother house guest Zach Rance in LA on the way to In-N-Out burger. The couple was seen hugging and taking pictures on their phones. Celeb Magazine thinks it's a date and they are dating how about you all? Comment down below we will report back as soon as we get details on if this is official or not.

I could not believe my eyes. First of all since when is Zach in LA?! And why is he hanging out with Ariana?? Secondly they were spotted hugging and celeb magazine is calling them a couple?! This can't be real. I heard the door bell ring. I answered the door. It was Zach and Ariana they came in laughing at some vine.

F- Zach what are you doing here.

Z- I came to visit I'm staying with you guys for a week. Aren't you excited?!

F- Ya.. I guess so.

Z- What do you mean?

F- Come to my room

Z- Why did you say I guess so? Are you not happy to see me?

F- Of course I am happy to see you, just not happy to see this. *shows magazine article*

Z- Oh my god, I swear we're not dating Frankie.

F- Why were you with Ariana?

Z- We've gotten really close and we wanted to hangout.


Z- Yeah. We are good friends.

F-How come you didn't come to me?

Z-Me and Ariana were talking and I forgot.


Z-Are you mad? Don't be mad Frankie!

• Zach POV •

I totally forgot about saying hi to Frankie. After all I did come all this way to hangout with him. I can't tell if he's mad or not. I mean Ariana is really nice and so hilarious she's only 2 years younger than me and we get along pretty well so we hung out. I hope he doesn't actually think we're dating because we're not.

• Frankie POV •

I can't believe Zach forgot about me. Remind me next time I go down to FL to only hangout with Peyton and forget about Zach. I do believe that their not dating but I just don't like how much they hangout. Ariana was texting him the other day non-stop like Zach is my best friend and my showmance not yours Ariana. My lord. I'm going to tell Zach to sleep with me tonight instead of the guest room so we can talk. I'm so excited he's here though.

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