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( Btw Century Cove Resort is in Chicago)

Frankie POV Continued •
She looked around 26 years old. She wasn't tall, but she wasn't short like Ari either. She had a nude bag with brown straps. We entered the beautiful restaurant and she said next to Ari and Zach.
K- I just wanted to say thank you for having me again.
A- Any time love.
Z- No problem.
S- Hey when do you do golf lessons for like adults?
K- Thursday through Sunday.
S- You have anything tomorrow around 3?
K- Nope.
S- Cool Zach and I will be sure to swing by. I only know how to rap I dunno how to swing some club.
K- *laughs* Don't worry I can teach ya.
Z- Psh Sean you need the kids lessons you don't know anything about golf.
-45 minutes later food arrives-
K- Oh my gosh this is so good.
Z- What is it?
K- Kale salad with veggies and a balsamic vinaigrette. I'm a vegan I don't eat meat or dairy.
A- Oh my gosh I am too! That's so cool! I have almost no vegan friends.
K- Me too. They always get mad when I force them to try my vegan recipes.
A- What's your number? We so need to hangout and eat all this vegan food.
K- *gives number * There is one place I go called Sage Organic Bistro that has the best salads.
A- I've never been. We should go there on Saturday or Sunday.
K- Let's go Sunday I get out early from work.
A- It's a date!
Z- Hey I never got your number! I need to call you before I go to practice, I need to make sure you're my pro.
K- *gives number*
Z- Thanks.
K- How long are y'all staying?
F- A month in a half.
K- I'm sure y'all will love it.
F- We do so far.

Ugh and now Zach and Kristina exchanged numbers. Everyone seems to love her. She hasn't been mean at all, so far I guess I like her. Dinner is finally over and Zach was going to pay for her bill but she insisted to pay her meal. We are back at the resort.

A- Thanks for the fun night Kristina. I had a blast. Can't wait for Sunday! *hugs*
S- Aye tonight was fun see you Friday at 3 with Zach Attack. *hugs*
F- Bye! Thanks for coming. *hugs*
Z- Wow you sure got along with them nicely.
K- Yeah, you were right, they are a nice bunch of people. They're the best.
Z- You're the best Kris.
K- Aw thanks Zach.
Z- Anytime. Hey well I got to go spend some alone time with Frank.
K- Okay well have fun. *winks*
Z-I'll call you later.
K- I'll be waiting. *laughs* Bye thanks again, for everything.
Z- No problem bye Kris, Love you.
K- Love you too my golf pro in training.
Z- *laughs and hugs*

1) What do you y'all think?
2) Still think Kristina's a threat?

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