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• Zach POV •

Ari just called me asking me to make the Corn Casserole for Thanksgiving. A normal person would just say sure and start making the casserole right away, but not Zach Attack. You see Ariana trust ME to make the most delicious casserole! So I guess this means she trust me to some extent, which is great. I won't let her down. I must earn her trust. I wish I could talk to my man about this. I would but I dunno if it would make things worse or better. I began making the casserole and I finally finished.
-Thanksgiving Day-
F- Zach it's 6:30 were gonna be late for Thanksgiving dinner.
Z- I'm coming! *gets in car and puts casserole on lap*
F- Our first Thanksgiving together.
Z- Yeah.
F- Thank you.
Z- For?
F- Teaching me that just because bad things happen in the last doesn't mean that bad things will happen in the future. You have deeply impacted my life and I couldn't be more blessed for a better partner.
Z- I love you Frankie.
F- *smiles and finally gets to Ariana's house*
Z- *knocks on door*
S- Aye my mans! *shouts* Baby Girl! They are here.
A- Oh! Hey guys. Zach you can set the food on the counter.
Z- Okay.
A- *whispers* Thank you for bringing them. I appreciate it.
Z- No biggy.

• Frankie POV •
It's been a tradition for many years in my family that on thanksgiving we out all do our names in a basket and each of us pick one and then we have to stand up and say why we are thankful for that person. Sean got Me, I got Ariana, Ariana got Zach, and Zach got Sean.
S- Aye I don't wanna make this too long but im thankful for my man frank for taking care and being there for my girl. You are such a good dude I love spending time with you
F-Thanks Sean.
F- I am thankful for Ariana because she always steers me in the right direction. She never fails to make me laugh. I am so proud of you. Thank you for being my bestfriend. I love you.
Z- I'm thankful for Sean because he always makes the best omelets. And he is a great buddy.
A- I am thankful for Zach because you are one of my bestfriends. you are taking care of someone who I would take a bullet for and I can't be any more thankful. You make me laugh on numerous occasions thank you for being someone I can trust.
Z- T-trust?! I trust you too. thanks

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