Airport and New Aunt

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Being a new girl in school is never easy. Now being the new American girl in a fancy English privet school is a rollercoaster but of coarse I wouldn't know. Well, not yet. My first day at St. Kathryn's high school is tomorrow. But part of me, wish it was today. I rolled my bright orange suitcase behind me has I made my way to the baggage clam to get the bigger one. My black heels made clicking sounds as I walked. I yawned and looked at my sliver watch that was around my wrist; through I didn't really care about want time it was. I've been told that my great Aunt Debby was always late. I felt people staring at me and I felt like they had a right too. My hair was died bright sunset orange and my outfit was far form matching. Black heel, blue jeans, purple plaid jacket tied lopsidedly on my hips, an American flag shirt, and bright red lipstick. I was a sight to be stared at and I didn't mind.

I, finally, made my way to the baggage clam after two airport cops stopped me thinking I was a druggy or something like that. Do I looked a druggy to you, was the first thinking that come out of my mouth which didn't help me at all. Me and my mouth. We don't always work together right. Then again the way I was dress did make me seem like I was something like that. Not a straight 'A' student. I paused my lips and leaned against the wall waiting to see my other bright orange suitcase along with my laptop case. I looked at my watch again, not caring for the time. A family with a little girl walked past me and stop, watching for they're suitcases too. They were speaking French I think it was. I looked at them for a moment, noticing the little girl was staring at me. I gave her slight smile before looking away a few moment past until I felt something pulling on my jacket. I looked down and there was that girl. She was looking up at me with big blue eyes. She held a braided bracelet out to me. It was my three favorite colors; pink, orange, and black. Like my walls at home. I smiled lightly and took it out of her hand as her mother rushed over to her. She wrapped her arm around her daughter's waist and dragged her away form me.

"Vous ne savez pas oùelle a été, Lily," She said. I sighed and tied the bracelet on to me wrist as my bag came out. I grabbed it and walked outside. It was raining out as a red Lincoln pulled up to me and a Woman with gray hair and blue eyes got out of the car. She was dress nice. Like really nice. She walked around the car and gave me a hug with a kind smile. She smelled like apple pie and rosy perfume.

"Hi, Aunt Debby," I said softly as she opened the back for my bags. I've only met her twice. The two times we came to London. I don't remember ether meeting but in the car that smiled band new and oldes playing, she looked over at me and said:

"My, you've gotten big." After a pause. "How old are you now?"

I looked out the window and watched the cars and buildings fly past us. I would hope so, I thought, the last time you saw me, I was barely potty trained. Let alone able to drive.

"I'm seventeen now," I said not looking at but past her out the window again, trying to keep my pulse slow. I leaned against the back of the seat and closed my eye and listen to Beatles. When I opened my eyes again, we where in the rich, high class part of London. We must only be five minutes away form down town. Beautiful white houses lines the sides of the streets behind lines of bright green trees. We pulled into a driveway to one of the bigger two story home. I looked over at her with a raised eye brow.

"What the hell do you do for a living," I asked as she opened her door. Her head snapped at me.

"Language young lady!" She snapped. I looked at with a your not my mother look and she sighed. "I own a fashion line."

I followed into the house with my bags rolling behind me. The grand stair was grand. It was enchanting. I toed of my heels at the door before walking on to the red rug that fall down the stairs to the door. On ether wall were doors that made out dark wood and led to who knows where. Black and white photos and some colored one doted the walls as well as a full body mirror. She looked at me.

"Come child," she said, must have forgotten my name. She started up the stairs. I followed with my bags again. 16 steps until you reached the top. I skipped the 13th one. One of my weird habits. She led me into a room that had ugly rose wallpaper, a queen bed, a dresser, walk in closet and bathroom. I looked at the Scotty woman next to me.

"This mine?" I asked. She nodded. I put my bags on the bed and looked around.

"You're allowed to paint over the paper and hang up posters and want not if you wish," she said, "I'll let you unpack, sweetie," I nodded and she headed to the door.

"Would you like some tea?" I looked up at her and shook my head.

"No thank you," and with that she leaved. I unpacked for a while until I got bored. I lied on the silk cover and stared mindlessly at the black screen of my cell phone, silently begging someone to text me. Not like anyone would. They all thought I was weird and avoided me when they could. I had one friend back one. One. A boy named Jamie. Sweet boy, really but was a real prick. He was the most boring person on the planet. This was fine I guess since I have enough spunk and mouth for two people.
I sat up and looked in the mirror that hanged on the wall above the dress. The colors in my shirt made my hair looked brighter then it really was. It fall against my pale fickled skin making look whiter then I really am and my green eyes looked plan next to my hair. My red lip stick popped out from all of this. I thought Debby would have a heart attack form this but she didn't. She didn't even give a second look. Which I liked. My parents had a cow when I walked down stairs in the six grade after I dieing my hair.

There was a knock at the door. I sighed and fall back on the bed before saying come in. Debby walked in with a tray. She placed the tray at the bottom of my bed as I sat up. She sat down on the bed by the tray and started eating. She looked at me with a raised gray eye brow.

"You're not hungry, Ashley?" She asked holding up a cookie form the tray. I thought a moment before taking it out of her hand and nipping on it. It was chocolate chip.

"It's good," I said after finishing it and taking other one form the tray. So there we were sitting on my queen sized bed in a god ugly room, eating delicious chocolate chip cookies and talking about nothing.

That night, I took a shower in a shower that could hold five of me in a bathroom that was to nice to be in a real house and had one of my weird unpredictable asthma attacks. I sunk unto the corner of the shower away form the water as possible with my knees pulled against my chest and big wet tears ran down my face as I tried to full my lungs with air. It felt like my chest was going to clave in on it's self. I hated getting them. Ever since that night, I would get them in the worst of moments.

Soon it passed and I was back to normal like nothing happened. I got dressed into Pjs and claimed into bed, staring up at the white roof. I sighed and rolled over before making my eyes close.

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