The Gay One

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The lights in the kitchen flicked on with a swift click. My crusty eyes blinked a few time not used to the light yet.

"How long have you been up kiddo?" Aunt Debby asked as she opened the fridge. I looked over at her and yawn. She was dressed in a yellow nightgown that looked like it was make of silk.

"Since two," I yawned again. I need at least eight hours of peaceful sleep for me to function. Last night I only got four.

"Two?" She said looking at her watch which made me glance to mine also. It was ten. "You've been up for eight hours. Why?" She walked over to the cereal cabinet and pulled out the Cheerios. Go figure.

"We have no chocolate Lucky Charms," I said. She looked at me with a raised eye brow. “When I wake up form a nightmare, I can’t get back to sleep until I have chocolate Lucky Charms. I don’t know why. It’s just a thing.”

“A thing?” She said to her self as she started to eat. “Well, I’m going to store today. So I’ll see want I can do about the chocolate Lucky Charm thing.” I smiled and nodded. For an old English woman she’s not too bad.

It was around noon when Aunt Debby got home from the store. I was sitting on the sofa with the cat in lap, still in Pajamas and watching the X-Factor. The cat jumped off my lap to meet her at the door. She put the bags in to the kitchen and then walked into me. I looked up at her and smiled.

“Is this want you’ve been doing all day?” She asked looking at the TV, sitting down next to me.

“Yeah,” I said brushing my hair out of my face as four boys walked out onto the stage. They all looked like the preppy boys, who always go after the stupid cheerleaders. I made a sound and turned off the TV.  My Aunt looked at me.

“So what colors are you going to paint you’re bedroom?” She asked glancing over at my sketch book of ideas. I sat up and pulled my notebook into my lap. The sketch looked like one of those rooms that you could find on Tumblr. With Christmas lights outlining the shelves and the headboard of the bed, records and posters on the walls, and a corner in the back for books and a beanbag chair. I looked at her.

“Orange, pink and black,” I said. “Like the room I had back home.” She nodded and dug on her pockets before pulling out a card and handing it to me.

“Go get want you need,” She said before patting my knee and walking back into the kitchen. I looked at the card. It was a credit card and one with my name on it. My eyes got wide as I rushed to the kitchen almost tripping over the cat.

“Your fucking with me right?” I asked holding up the card. She turned and looked at me with a disapproval face.

“Ashley, Language,” She warned. “But no, I’m not. You can have it as long as you use it like an adult.” My face broke out into a smile as I rushed around the island and pulled her into a huge hug. The second hug I’ve had in months and it feel more normal then the first since that the first hug I got was at the airport when we hardly knew each other and now it's been a full week. A full week of getting to know her and her getting know me.

A full week of yelling at ash, also to leave me alone at school. But he hasn't been back to the house since the throwing up faso where he admitted that he stole my wallet to learn my name, my height, my weight, my birthday and my blood type like a sick starker. And I guess he kind of is one. I mean he did follow me home and then broke into the house. How and why? I still have no idea. But other then that my school and my home life is good thanks to Debby.

I sighed and looked into the full body mirror that hung on the back of my bathroom door. I was dressed in black ripped up jeans that have dried paint on them and a golden shirt with a skyline of Paris and dried paint also on it. My hair was thrown up into a messy bun on the top of my head, washing color into my cheeks and eyes. Since my hair is up form around my face my face and eye look normal. I stunk the credit card into my back pocket before sliding down the railing of the stairs.

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