First day homesick

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Here's the thing about being the new American girl with bright orange hair in an English school, they stair that you. I mean, more then I'm used too. Like it's not normal to die your hair different colors. Well, it's not but have they not seen it done before. I sighed and ran a hand throw my hair as I tugged on the black skirt I have to wear for the school. It felt way to short and I didn't like it. The white dress shirt was fine, the red jacket was okay, and the red and gold tie was pushing it but the skirt. The skirt was out there for me, stopping about three inches above the knee. I shuffled my book bag strap slightly as I felt a warm star on my back. I stopped walking in the middle of the crowed hallway that had teenagers yelling, laughing and talking in a slang that I didn't understand. I turned with my black vans making a sound on the white titled floor.

A boy that was leaning against a locker was staring at me, like every one else was but he was different. He's stare was different then ever one else's. I couldn't brush it off like the others. His blond hair fall into his face blocking one of his bright blue eyes that were locked on me and where sending chills down my spin. I looked away and then looked back. He was still there, hasn't move and his eyes hasn't leaved my body. He was muscular; the white shirt looked tight around his shoulder and clung to his torso. His black dress pants hung low on his hips and the red jacket was on the ground between him and other boy with brown hair, who seen to be talking to him. He winked at me before, finally, glanced at the brown haired boy and nodded.

I felt a skinny arm fall over my shoulder. I jumped slightly and looked over to my right. A girl with blond hair and brown eyes was giving me a pale pink smile. Her makeup and hair looked professionally done and the uniform looked perfectly on her.

"I see you caught Ash's eye," She said nodding over at the boy who was sill staring at me. She put both hands on my shoulders and turned me away form the boy named Ash. "I'm Emily, All right?"

My eyes narrowed in confusion but I nodded anyways and she smiled.

"You should stay are form him," Emily nodded again to Ash as she started to push me down the emptying hallway. "He's nothing but aggro."

I looked at her confused again but she kept talking like I understood and I stopped walking. She looked at me.

"aggro?" I asked. She smiled and titled her head.

"Oh, right, you're the American girl," she paused putting a finger to her lips, "Ashley, right?" She asked. I nodded. "Well, aggro is trouble and trouble is aggro." I smiled lightly and then continued walking. I think I could get used to her. She got spunk unlike anyone else in this school. So, we walked as far as we could go together.

"I'll see you later, Girl," She said with a smile. I smiled lightly back and nodded.

"Yeah, see ya!" I called after her. I sighed and looked down at my schedule. First class of the day. Math. Great, not my best subject. I sighed and glanced down at my watch again.

I, finally, found my math class. I opened the wooden door to find that class has already started. Everyone in the class wiped they're head around and looked at me with wide eyes. I stopped not liking the attention. The teacher turned and looked at me.

"Thank you for finally joining us, Miss. Jones," He said. I swallowed and kept my eyes on the ground as I nodded. "Well, come on now. Come on, sit down." I looked up and looked around the room for a seat and the only one that was empty was next to Ash. He looked at me and smirked before patting the desk next to him. I rolled my eyes and walked over, sliding into the desk next to him. He looked at me for a moment and then leaned back in his chair making it only stand on its back two legs. Part of me wanted him to fall back but the other half didn't. I hated how he looked at me. Like I was lunch or something.

I knew you were trouble, loveWhere stories live. Discover now