That Was Close

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"You don't have my money do you?" Jesse asked with a raised eyebrow. Ashton bit his lip harder. Really, Ashton? Really? I closed my eyes trying to focus to clear my head form the drugs and to focus on my breathing.

"Can't we talk about this, Jesse?" Ashton finally said and Jesse laughed. It was an evil, insane laugh. Like the kind super villains have.

"No," He said after he was done laughing. "We've had more then enough time to talk about it. Now you made you're decision." Jesse stepped closer. There was a long silence as Ashton and Jesse eyed each other. Your could choke on how thin the tension was in the air and I swear you could hear my heart bounding on the walls of my chest as I struggled to full my lungs with air and the activity in my brain as the drugs started to ware off.

Ashton broke first. He chuckled and shook his head. Jesse and I both looked at Ashton with a raised eyebrow.

"You know what," He said looking at us brushing his hair out of his face. "Go ahead. There's more where she come form. She's nothing more then a toy" My heart dropped down to my stomach and was replaced by a Sharp, sudden pangs. Everything started to slowed down, as if I'm running in water as tears filled my eyes. He just told Jesse to kill me. Like he didn't even care about me. Maybe Emily was right. Maybe he was just looking for sex and someone to blame. Jesse made at noise and looked over at me. And I have a feeling that Jesse well just do that.

"If you say so," He said and I closed my eyes tightly.

The noise of a gun shot is short and simple and started a war that set a whole country free and has killed more people then I know how to count. But before that cold dark gun shot rang out in that warehouse on the north side of London, I never know how dramatic the sound of a gun could be. The gun that was pointed at me dropped to the ground as Jesse's body did the same. Blood blossomed throw his white shirt and standing the floor around him. I glanced up from Jesse's newly dead body to find Ashton standing, feet shoulder length apart with a sliver hand gun is hand.

He's eyes widen as he looked at Jesse dead body. He dropped the gun and ran over to me. He pulled the ropes untied the ropes that was digging into my skin and pulled me into a hug.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry, Ash," He said against my neck. I pulled away and slapped him across the face. He looked at me shocked.

"That's for lying to me," I said before the world went black.

When I woke up and I was in a hospital bed with bandages and needles in my arms. My eye sight was still cloudy. I sighed and ran hand throw my hair as my eyes, blinking, glanced around the room. Was last night even real? It felt like a dream. Was Jesse really died and did my boyfriend or ex-boyfriend really did kill him? Out in the hall I could hear two people yelling at each other but I couldn't understand the words.

"They've been doing that since Ashton bring you in, Ash," I heard Emily said with a sigh as she turned the page of most likely a fashion magazines. I turned and looked at her.

"Who?" I asked sitting up only to wince lightly. She looked at me and closed the magazine.

"You're Aunt and Ashton," She said, nodding to the window that lead out to the hall. There they were standing right out side the window and Debby was pointing a sharp nail at Ashton as He was yelling back at her. They were both yelling at the same time. How were they going to hear each other's argument?

"What are they yelling about?" I asked glancing back at Emily then back at Ashton. He looked so upset and mad at the same time. He looked nothing like the boy that killed someone last night.

"You being drugged to hell last night," She said. "Debby thinks Ashton put some kind of date rap drug in you're drink with out seeing how much he put in. Which I wouldn't put it past him. But he wouldn't do that to you. He really likes you. He sat in here all night last night until you're aunt got here," Emily said leaning her elbow on her knee. I laughed lightly at that.

"That's not he said last night," I mumbled. Emily looked at me and smiled lightly. She took my hand and I looked at her.

"You know he said those things to save you're life," She said. "He really does love you, trust me. Trust him. He'll set things straight," Emily said with a smile. She patted my hand before getting up and leaving. I sighed and crushed under my breath as I fall back. I know hate my self for believing what he said. Of course, he said that to save me. It was the stupid drugs that made me believe the words he said last night.

"Just, just let me talk to her," I could her Ashton said and then footsteps to the door. It hissed with argument to being opened. I opened my eyes and looked him with a smile. He smiled back and stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"So you're Aunt hates my guts," He sighed sitting on the bed next to me, "and I guess she has the right too. I dragged you into this and screwed up her little good girl niece." I smiled at him lightly and took his hand.

"She just doesn't know you," I said softly. By his voice I could tell something was up. "Hey, you know when you asked me, why I'm living with her?" He looked at me and nodded.

"well," and I begin to tell him who my parents where killed, they're yells and screams, the mans face, his voice, and how before he walked into the living room mom made me go hind in my bedroom. When form there I could hear her try to talk the mad man down. And the story lightened up a bit as I started to talk about how the cops acted, telling me I was going to be okay, and how they found out about Debby and they called her. And then the ride to the airport to get on a plane to fly over here to live with a woman that was family but I hardly knew her. "And that's when I met you. In math class. And you turned my crappy life into a happy one and one I love living. And I love you, Prince of England," I said with a smile. He smiled back and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm going to turn my self in," He breathed before kissing me, "I'm the prince, they're going to let me off easy but just promise me that you'll wait for me." I looked into his beautiful eye and nodded.

"Yeah, I wouldn't think of a better way," I said kissing him as the cops walked into to take Ashton away. "I love you."

"I love you too," He said before getting up and walking over to the men in blue outfits. "Caught you on the flip side, princess." He winked at me and then leaved. And I couldn't help up smile.

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