The Honest Drunks

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Monday was the next day. I walked down the stairs in my school uniform, still hating the freaking short skirt. I walked into the kitchen and sat on top of the island, watching Aunt Debby get ready for her day at her office. She was dressed in a black dress with sliver necklace and black heels. She looked at me and grabbed her keys. She looked at me again and smiled.

"You look so grown up in your uniform," She said placing a finger under my chin and brushed hair out of my face. "Come, I'll dive you to school."

"Emily and girls were going to come pick in me up, today," I said rubbing the back of my neck. She nodded and headed out of the door. I smiles and run back up stairs to get changed into different clothes. I changed into jeans and Paramore t-shirt and walked down stairs as the door ball went off. I looked into the pip hole and standing there was Emily. She smiled and waved. I didn't think she knew were my house was. Then again, I didn't think Ashton know where my house was until he followed me home. Maybe it was a good thing that they where a power couple back then. They sure do at the same but Emily isn't an asshole. I opened the door and let her in.

"Is there a map hanging on the doors of the school with the directions to my house on it?" I asked shutting the door behind me as Emily looked around, toeing off her designer heels. She looked at me. Her makeup was still perfect like always and the same thing with her hair. I wonder how early she has to get up to get her make up and hair prefect and have all her clothes match.

"No," She said as she followed me to the living room, "I got them form Ashton. Basely has to threaten him with my shoes. The heel makes a perfect weapon, Ash, keep that in mind." I plopped down on the sofa and nodded. Emily most likely has thousands of heels as I only have three pairs; a red pair, a light purple pair and a black pair.

She looked around and smiled.

"Nice house," She said. I never had friends who would just up over any time. I always wanted them, though. I have a hard time making friends and keeping them. But I have a feeling that Emily isn't going anywhere. She's now like the big brother I never had but in girl form. She's way too over portative to just have only known me for a week and a few days.

She looked around the living room, stopping in front of the fireplace mantel. She titled her head as she looked at something and then picked it.

"Is this your mom and dad?" She asked holding out a photo out to me. I glanced at it and nodded.

"Yeah," I said. They had to be in they're teens then. They both wearing bell bottom jeans and had smiles I never seen them have. My mother's hair was long and dark brown; it was pinned back and she was throwing up a peace sign. Dad had a full head of hair. I smiled lightly.

"What happened to them? I heard you were living with your aunt," Emily said sitting next to me. I glanced over at her and down at my hands. I haven't even told Debby want happened.

"Who told you?" I asked leaning back.

"Aston, again," She added. Of course, He would tell her.

"I didn't want to talk about it," I mumbled pulling a pillow into my lab and hugging it. Tears peaking in my eyes. Flashes of that night played in my mind. My mother's screams, my father's eyes and gun shots.

"You know want you need?" I heard Emily said and I looked over, "a girl's day out. We can go get our hair and nails done, go shopping and go see a chick flick, okay?"

Normally, I hate all this girlie stuff. Shopping, getting nails done, and getting a new hair style; is just not for me. There's no need for it. But, I went to humor Emily and to get out of the house incase Debby came back form work.

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